愤(憤)fèn (因不满而激动;发怒) anger;indignation;resentment;exasperation:气~ angry; 公 ~ public indignation; 发 ~ make a firm resolution ◆愤不欲生 would end life in a fit of bitterness;so angry one does not wish to live; 愤愤不乐 upset and displeased; 愤愤不平 be indignant;feel aggrieved;be resentful; 愤愤而出 go out full of resentment; 愤恨 indignantly resent;detest; 愤激若狂 be [get] wild with excitement; 愤慨 (righteous) indignation; 愤懑 [书] depressed and discontented;resentful; 愤怒 indignation;anger;wrath;rage; 愤然离去 leave in anger;walk off in a huff; 愤然作色 flush with indignation; 愤世嫉俗 detest the world and its ways;misanthropic;highly critical of society; 愤则诗生 Indignation gives birth to poems. |