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单词 forget
释义 forget /fa'get; fv'get/ vt, vi (pt forgot) /fa'got; fv'gat/, pp forgotten /fa'gotn; fw'gatn/ 1 [VP6A, C, D, 8, 9, 10, 2A, 3A] ~ (about), lose remembrance of; fail to keep in the memory; fail to recall: 忘记; 忘却: I ~ /I've forgotten her name. 我忘了她的名字。 I shall never ~ your kindness to me. 我系远不会忘记你对我的厚意。 Did you (that) I was coming? 你忘了我要来吗? I have forgotten how to do it/where he lives/'whether he wants it- 我忘记怎样做(他住的地方,他是否需要它)了。 I forgot all about it. 我一点也记不得了。 I shall never ~ hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Godunov. 我永不会忘记听沙利亚宾唱波里高德诺夫一角。 forgetmenot /fa'get mi not; f'8ctmr,not/ n small plant with blue flowers. 琉璃草; 勿寂草。 2 [VP7A] neglect or fail (to do sth): 疏忽; 忘记(做景事): Don't ~ to post the letters. 不赛忘了畚出这些信。 He has forgotten to pay me. 他忘了付钱给我。 3 [VP6A, 2A] put out of the mind; stop thinking about, 不以为意; 不再思念: Let's ~ our quarrels. 我们忘掉我们的争执罢。 Forgive and ~. 不念旧恶。 4 [VP6A] omit to pay attention to: 忽略: Don't ~ the waiter, Give him a tip. 别忘了给作者小帐。 5 ~ oneself, a behave thoughtlessly in a way not suited to one's dignity, to the circumstances. 忘形; 忘掉自己的身分。 b act unselfishly, thinking only of the interests of others. 为他人而忘我。~ - ful /-fl; -fail adj in the habit of ~ting: 健忘的: He's very ~ful of things. 他十分健忘。 Old people are sometimes ~ ful. 老牟人音时很健忘。~伯 6 坪 /-fall; -fall/ adv ~ful ness n




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