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单词 beyond
释义 beyond2 /bi'jond; bi'jand/ prep 1 at, on or to, the farther side of: 在曲向…的那一边; 越过: The house is ~ the bridge. 房屋在桥的那一边。 Don't go ~ the town boundary. 不套走 Hl 甬康。 saw peak ~ peak, a succession of peaks, 我们看见亚重的山峰。 2 (of time) later than: (指时间)超源晚于: Don't stay out ~ (after is the more usu word) 10 o'clock. 不要在外而停留到十点钟以后还不回家 (after 较常用)。 He never sees ~ the present. 他 未后到浦来。 3 surpassing, exceeding; out of reach of: 超出: JH 乎; 为…所不能及: Your work is ~ all praise, so good that it cannot be praised enough. 你的作品叫人演揭不尽。 We succeeded ~ our hopes, were more successful than we had hoped to be. 我们获得如此之成功,足我们始料所不及的。 That's going ~ a joke, passes the limits of what is reasonable as a joke. 那样开玩笑是太过火 To He lives ~ his income, spends more than he earns.,. 他的生活入不敷出。 It's quite ~ me, is more than I can understand, id 我完 4 不憧。 4 (in neg and interr) except: (用于否定及疑而句)条…以外: He has nothing ~ his pension. 他除了洛老金之外噎无积蓄。




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