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❶ (觉得) feel;sense:身体略 ~ 不适 not to feel very well;be under the weather;be out of sorts;
我深 ~ 力不从心。 I feel keenly that my ability falls short of my wishes.
❷ (怀有谢意) be grateful;be obliged;appreciate:请早日寄下为 ~。 I should be grateful if you would send it to me at an early date.
❸ (感动) move;touch:深有所 ~ be deeply moved
❹ (中医指感受风寒) be affected: 外 ~ 风寒 be affected by the cold;get a cold
❺ (接触光线而发生变化) sensitize Ⅱ (感觉;情感;感想) sense;feeling;emotion:美 ~ aesthetic feeling;sense of beauty;
好 ~ favourable impression;
灵 ~ inspiration;
读后 ~ reaction to [impressions of] a book or an article
◆感触 thoughts and feelings;feeling;
感戴 be sincerely grateful;
感到 feel;enter;sense;
感动 move;touch;
感动落泪 be in a melting mood;melt to [into] tears;be moved to tears;be softened [melted] into tears;
感恩 feel grateful;be thankful;
感恩不尽 be everlastingly grateful;
感恩戴德 be [feel] grateful for;bear a debt of gratitude for past kindness;be deeply grateful for sb.'s kindness;be thankful for sb.'s goodness;feel a debt of gratitude for some kind act;I shall never forget your kindness.;One's heart is filled with gratitude.;with one's heart overflowing with gratitude;Your kindness was engraved on my heart.;
感恩非浅 esteem it a great favour;
感恩莫名 (I) do not know how to express (my) gratitude.;
感恩图报 owe a debt of gratitude and hope to recompense [requite] it;be grateful to sb. and seek ways to return his kindness;feel grateful for a kind act and plan to repay it;
感恩终生 (be) grateful to sb. as long as one lives;
感奋 be moved and inspired;be fired with enthusiasm;
感愤 feel indignant;
感官 sense organ;sensory organ;
感光 {摄} sensitization;photoreception;photosensitive;sensitive;sensitometric;
感光玻璃 photosensitive glass;
感光度 {摄} speed;photosensibility;(light) sensitivity;
感光式打印[印刷]机 sensitive printer;
感光性 {植} {动} photonasty;photo-electric sensitivity;
感荷 [书] be much obliged;
感化 help sb. to change (by education and persuasion);
感怀 recall with emotion;reflections;thoughts;recollections;
感激 feel grateful;be thankful;feel indebted:;感激不尽 be indebted forever;deeply [very] grateful;be effusive in one's gratitude; have no way to express all one's gratitude;I cannot thank you enough.;owe sb. a debt of endless gratitude;
感激不忘 always remember with gratitude;I can never forget your kindness.;
感激莫名 not to know how to express one's gratitude;be more grateful for this than words can tell;My gratitude beggars description.;
感激涕零 shed tears of gratitude;be overwhelmed by sb.'s goodness;be moved [touched] and shed tears;be moved to tears of gratitude;shed tears of joy and thank sb.;so grateful as to shed tears;thank sb. with tears in one's eyes;
感撅 scolop;scolopale;
感觉 sense perception;sensation;feeling;aesthesis;aesthema;aesthesia;tabet;feel;perceive;become aware of;
感觉神经 sensory nerve;
感觉性 sensibility;
感慨 sigh with emotion;
感慨流涕 be moved to tears;
感慨万千[端] be filled with a thousand regrets;All sorts of feelings well up in one's mind.;be filled with regrets [painful recollections];感喟 [书] sigh with emotion;
感愧交集 feel grateful and uneasy at the same time;moved and ashamed simultaneously;
感冒 cold;common cold;influenza;catch (a) cold;have a cold;take cold;
感念 remember with gratitude;recall with deep emotion;
感情 emotion;feeling;sentiment;affection;attachment;love;
感情投资 invest emotionally;investment in affection [human relation];感情用事 give oneself over to blind emotions;abandon oneself to emotion;act according to one's sentiment — a biased action;act impetuously;allow emotion to sway one's judgment;be swayed by emotions;give way to one's feelings;let emotions hold sway;One's feelings ran away with him.;run to the sentiments;under the sway of emotions;
感染 infect;be infected with;infection;influence;infect;affect;
感人 moving;touching;
感人肺腑 touch one deeply in the heart;touch the chords of one's heart;touch a person to the heart;pull at one's heart-strings;be deeply moved (by ...);
感伤 sad;sorrowful;sentimental;
感声吉他琴 Dobro;
感识世界 sense world;
感受 be affected by;experience;feel;
感受器 receptor;effector;susceptor;
感暑 affection by summer-heat;
感叹 sigh with feeling;{语} interjective;
感同身受 feel indebted as if it were received in person;appreciate [count] it as a personal favor;be deeply affected by ... as if one had experienced it oneself;I shall count it as a personal favor.;I would consider it as a personal favor to me.;
感温元件 temperature-sensing element;
感物伤怀 be deeply affected at seeing sth.;touched to the heart;
感想 impressions;reflections;thoughts;
感谢 thank;be grateful;
感性 perceptual;{电} inductive;{植} nastic;
感压 pressure sensing;pressure responsive;
感药性 chemonasty;
感应 response;reaction;interaction;{生} irritability;{电} induction;
感应法 actinobolia;actinobolism;
感应热 induction heat;
感应式 induction type;inductive;
感应性 irritability;
感应子钟 sympathetic clock;
感召 move and inspire;impel;
感知 perception;
感知性精神病 allopsychosis;
感之不尽 be exceedingly thankful;extremely grateful





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