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单词 magnet
释义 magnet /'maegmt; 'maegmt/ n [C] 1 piece of iron, often a horseshoe shi pe, able to attract iron, either natural (as in lodestone) or by means of an electric current. 磁铁; 磁石。 2 (fig) person or thing that attracts. (喻)有吸弓 i 力的人或物。 ~iv /maeg'netik; maeg'netik/ adj 1 having the properties of a ~; able to attract, etc: 有磁性的; 能吸引的: ~ ic field, area in all parts of which a ~ic force may be detected; 磁场; a ~ ic mine, submarine mine that is detonated when a large mass of iron (eg a ship) approaches it; 磁性水雷; a ~ ic needle, one that points north and south; (指向南北的)磁针; 指南针; the ~ic north, the point indicated by such a needle; 磁针所指之北; 磁北; a ~ ic smih/personality, attracting the attention of people, 吸引人的微笑(性格)。 ~ic tape, kind of tape coated with iron oxide used for recording sound and vision. (录音及录影用)磁带; 录音带; 录影带。 2 of magnetism. W 力学的; 磁的。 magneticaHy /-kh; -kh/ adv




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