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单词 意见




❷objection;differing opinion;complaint
双方取得一致~。The two sides reached agreement on sth or: The two sides agreed on sth/双方的~很不一致。The two parties do not see eye to eye./我同意你的~。I agree with your view (or opinion);I agree with you./我不同意你的~。I disagree with you;I beg to differ with you./我已经知道你的~。I’ve got your message./让我们再花点时间考虑这个~。Let’s sleep over the idea for some time./让我们大家保持不同~吧。Let’s agree to disagree./如没有~,议程就通过了。If there is no objection,the agenda is adopted./双方对共同关心的问题充分交换了~。The two sides have had a full exchange of views on questions of mutual concern (or common interest)./让我们就最近的情况交换点~。Let’s compare notes about the latest development. /我对这种办法很有~。I strongly object to this method; I take strong exception to this approach./大家对你~很大。People have a lot of complaints about you./倾听群众~listen carefully to the views (or opinions) of the masses/表示~的证词(专家证词) opinion testimony/征求~ seek (or solicit)the opinion (or views) of sb/提出修改~make suggestions for revision (or amendment,modification)/法律~legal opinion;opinio juris[拉]/建设性~constructive views (or ideas)/有益的~useful suggestions/协商一致的~consensus/医生的~medical opinion/咨询~advisory opinion/国际法院的咨询~advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice/专家的~expert opinion/外行的~laymen’s view/表示~express the view;express one’s opinion (or view);take a stand (or position)on a matter/使对方了解自己的~get across a message/转达(转告)~convey(or transmit)a message to sb/仔细考虑某项~give careful thought to an idea;turn over the idea in one’s mind/根据(按照)某人的~in one’s view (or opinion);in the opinion (or view) of sb/鄙人的~是my humble view is…;it is my humble view that…/交换~exchange views;compare notes/~簿visitors’book; customers’book/~调查员ombudsman(源自瑞典、新西兰)/~分歧(不同) have a difference (or divergence) of opinion (or views);disagree;opinions are divided on sth; there are dissensions be tween…/ ~书written suggestions/ ~箱suggestion box/~一致(相同)have (or hold)identical views;have a meeting of minds;be of one mind; see eye to eye/~调查opinion sounding;opinion survey/~证据opinion evidence





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