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单词 attract
attract/ ə′trækt/ vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)有引力(draw towards one by unseen force)[T+n]:A magnet~s metal/iron/steel/nails.磁铁吸引金属/铁/钢/钉子。All masses ~each other.所有的物体互相吸引。The gravitational force of the earth~s smaller bodies to it.地球引力把比地球小的天体吸向自己。〖同〗draw;

(2)吸(招)引(draw towards one by some quality or action)[T+n]:Sugar~s flies / insects/bees.糖招引苍蝇/昆虫/蜜蜂。The zoo/scenery/show~s large crowds. 动物园/风景/演出吸引来许多人。Moths are~ed to lights. 蛾子被灯光引过来。feel oneself powerfully~ed to the scientific ideal 觉得自己受到那科学理想的强烈吸引;~large numbers of followers 吸引大量追随者;〖同〗draw,pull,interest,charm;〖反〗disgust;

(3)引起爱慕(注意)(arouse (sb's) likingadmiring or noticing)[T+n]:Her beauty/character/sense of humour~ed him.(He was~ed by her beauty/her character/her sense of humour.) 她的美貌/性格/幽默感吸引着他。She~s all the young men in the neighbourhood.她吸引着街坊邻里所有的小伙子。She didn't~me physically.她引不起我的生理要求。be(feel)very/powerfully~ed to sb 被(感到被)某人强烈/有力地迷住了;〖同〗charm;〖反〗disgust;

(4)引(激)起(arouse;prompt)[T+n]:~ sb's interest/sb's criticism 引起某人的兴趣/批评;Try not to~attention.尽量不要引起人注意。〖同〗draw,cause;

→ at′tractable adj 有吸引力的;at͵trac-ta′bility n 吸引力;at′tractor n 引起注意的人或物;at′tractive adj 有吸引力的;有魅力的;at′traction n 吸引(力);吸引人的事物





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