博[愽]bóⅠ ❶ (量多;丰富) abundant;plentiful;rich: 渊 ~ broad and profound; 地大物 ~ vast in territory and rich in natural resources ❷ [书] (大) big;large: 宽衣 ~ 带 a loose garment with a large girdle Ⅱ ❶ (知道得多) have a wide knowledge of;be well-read: ~ 古通今 be well acquainted with things ancient and modern ❷ (取得) gain;win: ~ 得美名 win a good reputation; 聊 ~ 一笑 just for a smile ❸ (赌博) gamble: ~ 徒 gambler Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 劳 Bo Lao ◆博爱 universal love;indiscriminate love;love for humanity;universal fraternity;charity; 博采广谋 seek advice from all sides; 博采众长 learn widely from others' strong points; 博茨瓦纳 Botswana; 博大 vast;erudite;broad and profound; 博大精深 broad and profound;have extensive knowledge and profound scholarship;extensive and profound; 博得 win;gain;obtain; 博而不精 extensive but shallow knowledge;have wide but not expert knowledge;know sth. about everything; 博古通今 have both ancient and modern learning — very learned;be conversant with ancient and modern learning;be conversant with things past and present — erudite and informed;be very versed in both ancient and modern affairs;be well versed in both ancient and modern literature;be well versed in both ancient and modern learning [knowledge];know both about ancient and modern [present] times;master ancient and [as well as] modern learning;understand the new and gain a wide knowledge of the old; 博览会 fair;international exhibition;trade fair;exposition;expo; 博览群书 be learned [be well-versed] in books;be truly learned;be very widely read;be well-read;extensively read;have perused books of all sorts;have read many books;read widely; 博洽多闻 knowledgeable;well-informed;conversant;extensive in learning; 博取 try to gain;contend for;court; 博取欢心 get into good graces of sb.;curry favour; 博施济众 help the public by bestowing sth. liberally;bestow liberally to relieve the masses;interested in charities;provide liberal relief to the masses;relieve the people with liberal aid; 博识 learned;erudite; 博士 doctor;learned scholar; 博士后 post-doctor;post-doctoral; 博士后流动站 the post-doctoral scientific research mobile station; 博士论文 doctoral dissertation; 博士生导师 doctoral supervisor; 博士学位 doctorate;doctor's degree; 博士学位论文答辩 the doctoral dissertation defense; 博闻广识 extensive information and learning;having encyclopedical knowledge; 博闻强记 have wide learning and a retentive [powerful] memory;extensive experience and a good memory;have encyclopedic knowledge; 博物 natural science; 博物馆 museum;repository; 博物洽闻 have an extensive knowledge and a wide experience; 博物院 museum; 博学 learned;erudite;wide range of studies or learning;well-read;well-versed;knowledgeable; 博学多才 be a brilliant man of wide learning;learned and capable [versatile];be of great learning and great ability; 博学多能 having extensive learning and great capacity [abilities];博学多闻 be wealthy [rich] in knowledge;very learned and well-informed; 博学宏词 extensive learning and great literary talent; 博学鸿儒 a profound scholar;a well-informed scholar;a great literate of wide learning; 博学卓识 have a vast extent of knowledge and experience; 博雅 erudition;learned and accomplished;well-informed and refined; 博奕 [书] play a game of chess;game;gaming |