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单词 惟我独尊

惟我独尊唯我独尊wéi wǒ dú zūn

assume airs of self importance; behave like an overlord; be terribly (/extremely) self-conceited; consider oneself as the lord of all the world; consider oneself as the only important person; overweening; dic tatorial; extreme egotism;/等到退了出来,坐上轿子,那时候是~的了,任凭怎样发作,也不要紧了,他就不肯去支持,凭得他瘫软下来,回到家去,好歹有人伏伺。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》92) When he steps in to his sedan-chair,he is his own boss,and whatever happens,it doesn’t matter so much,and so he does not try to control himself. When he gets safely home,he has help anyhow.
❍ 香车画舫,红杏青帘,~……(《红楼梦》1139) …a scented carriage and a painted barge,the red apricots and green signs of country taverns,my own mistress,respected by all.…/释迦出世,一手指天,一手指地曰: “天上地下,~!” (鲁迅《伪自由书·天上地下》 115—116) When Buddha was born,he pointed with one hand to the sky and with the other to the earth. “Above and below I shall reign supreme,”he said.
❍ 这种独家占有的所谓明黄色,从小把~的自我意识埋进了我的心底,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》47) This colour,the so-called “brilliant yellow”,was used exclusively by the imperial household and made me feel from my earliest years that I was unique and had a“heavenly”nature different from that of everybody else.





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