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单词 view


1. eyesight,eyes 视力,眼睛。
△Rom.1.1.176 (171):“love. whose view is muffled still,”爱神的眼睛永远是被蒙住。
2. viewing,inspection,examination,observation 看,视察,考察,观察。
△Rom.1.2.32:“on more view ofmany,” i.e. on a more extensive view of the manyother beauties there present.对许多人仔细观察之后。
3. sight 视域,眼界。
△ H.V.5.2.32:“before this royalview.”i.e. in the sight or presence of these kings.当着两位皇上的面。
in the view of: in the sight of 在…的眼界之内,
△ 3H.VI.1.1.138:“For Richard (i.e. Richard II),inthe view of many lords. / Resigned the crown to Hen-ry the Fourth,”因为理查,当着许多大臣的面,把王位让给了亨利四世。
4. outward appearance 外貌,外观。
△ Mer.3.2.131:“You that choose not by the view,/ Chance as fair. and choose as true.”你择偶不是凭外貌,倒是看得清也选得好。
△ Rom.1.1.174 (169):“love,so gentle in hisview.” (Benvolio thinks of the boy Cupid. god oflove.)爱神,外表这样温柔。
5. decorum. fitness 得体,恰当。
△ H.VIII.1.1.44:“Or-der gave each thing view:”井井有条,十分得体。


1.perceive by the eye,see 看见,看到。
△ H.VIII.3.2.403 (402): “Last,that the Lady Anne,/ Whom theKing hath in secrecy long married,/ This day wasviewed in open as his queen,/ Going to chapel:”最后,早就跟国王秘密结婚的安·波琳小姐,今天有人见她公开以王后的身份露面,到教堂去了。
△ Oth.2.1.16:“I never did likemolestation view / On the enchafed flood.”我从来没有看见过在汹涌的海上像这样惊涛骇浪的骚动。
2. see,read 看,读。
△ 1H.VI.1.1.89: “Lords,viewthese letters full of bad mischance.”诸位大人,请看一看这些充满不幸消息的信件吧。
△ 1H.VI.4.1.48: “Andnow. my Lord Protector,view the letter / Sent fromour uncle,Duke of Burgundy.” (The houses of Lan-caster and Burgundy were allied by the marriage ofJohn. Duke of Bedford. Henry VI’s uncle,to Anne.sister of the Duke of Burgundy.) 现在,护国公,请看看我的舅父勃艮第公爵送来的信吧。
3. survey,examine 审视,细查。
△ R.III.4.4.39: “Tello’er your woes again by viewing mine.”请先看看我的伤心事再历数你们的伤心事吧。


◇ be of the same view 观点一致
exchange views 磋商,交换意见
have in view 打算
hold identical views 观点一致
in full view 依某人之见
in view of 考虑到… / kee p in view 监视
on view 陈列
out of view 在不能被看见的地方,感到忧虑和担心
state one’s views 发表意见
take a dim view of 反对,不赞成
with the view of 以…为目的
‖ a bird’s-eye view 鸟瞰/a long-term view 长期观点
abridged general view 示意图
aerial view 鸟瞰图
back view 后视图
bottom view仰视图
broken-open view 透视图
close-up view 特写镜头,近摄
cut-open view 剖视图
design viewpoint 设计观点
dioramic view 西洋镜图画
distant view 远景
elevation view正视图
enlarged view 放大图
external view外视图
fantom view 剖视图
front view 正面图
full color views 彩色图像
full view 全视图
ghosted view 幻图
left view 左视图
object view 物景
oblique view 斜视图
on view 上映中,在表演中
outside view 外观图
overall view 全景
overhead view 俯视
panoramic view 全景
perspective view 透视图
phantom view 透视图,幻影图
pictorial view 绘画视阈
plan view 平面图
private view 非正式展览
rear view 后视图
right view 右视图
side view 侧视图
split screen viewing 分画面电视
top view 顶视图
upward view 仰视图
vertical view 俯视图
view and emulate 观摩
view angle 视角
view factor 视角因数
view of behaviourism行为主义观点
view of development in cognitive structure theory 认知结构理论发展观
view of development in psychoanalytic theory精神分析论发展观
view of ethics 伦理观
view of history 历史观点
view of life 人生观
view of the world 世界观
view of value价值观
viewpoint of space-time continum 时空观
views of interpersonal 人际观
views of life and death 生死观
viewing field 视界
viewdate n .显示数据
viewer n.观测仪,目的,观察者,阅读器,电视观众,看法
viewfinder n.取景器
viewgraph n.视图
viewphone n. 电视电话
viewpoint n. 观点,看法
viewpoint 观点
viewport n.视窗,查验





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