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单词 惊喜交集

惊喜交集jīng xǐ jiāo jí

have mixed feelings of surprise and joy
❍ 他听说中国人民志愿军跨过鸭绿江去抗美援朝,那天几乎一夜没有睡好,肚子里弹琵琶,~……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—275) When he had heard that the Chinese People’s Volunteers had crossed the Yalu to resist American aggression and aid Korea he hardly slept a wink that night. He had had butterflies in his stomach and alarm and joy had combined. …/“老许!”一瞬间,成岗~了。“他关在牢里?”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》492) “Lao Xu!” Cheng Gang was overw helmed. “He’s in the dungeon?”/当我把和平协定草案交给他们时,他们问我有没有渡江的条款,我说没有,他们顿觉~。(《周恩来选集》上—319)When I handed over the draft of the peace agreement to them,they asked whether it included any articles about crossing the Changjiang,and when I said no,they were pleasantly surprised.

惊喜交集jīnɡ xǐ jiāo jí

形容惊奇和喜悦交织在一起。have mixed feelings of surprise and joy, be filled with elation and amazement, joy mingling with surprise





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