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单词 情有可原

情有可原qíng yǒu kě yuán

quite understandable;excusable; extenuating; pardonable; there is some excuse
❍ 夜间的伸开手脚,占领全床,那当然是~的了,倒应该我退让。(《鲁迅选集》上—261) If she stretched out her arms and legs at night and occupied the whole bed,that was quite understandable. I ought to make room for her.
❍ 这仇恨是历了三月之久才消释的。原因大概是一半因为忘却,一半则他自己竟也被 “天真”的孩子所仇视了,于是我觉得我对于孩子的冒渎的话倒也~。(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》95) Our estrangement lasted three months. Then,owing in part to forgetfulness,in part to the fact that he fell out with those “innocent”children,he came to consider my slighting remarks on children as excusable.
❍ 我虽然深知自己是怎么瘦,又是公的,并没有乳,然而想到他们为张罗生意起见,~,只要出售的不是毒药,也就不说什么了。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—158) … though I know I am lean and a bull and have no milk,so long as they do not sell poison I shall not protest for I sympathize with their wish to enlarge their business.
❍ 我简直说,军人土匪倒还~,搅乱天下的就是他们,应该很严的办一办……(《鲁迅选集》上— 121)What I say is: There’s some excuse for soldiers and bandits,but these girls are the ones who turn everything upside down. They ought to be very severely dealt with indeed. …


excusable;pardonable;there are extenuating circumstances





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