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❶ (感情) feeling; affection; sentiment: 热 ~ enthusiasm; 深 ~ deep feeling [love]; 温 ~ tender sentiments; 抒 ~ express [convey] one's emotion
❷ (情分; 情面) favour; kindness; sensibilities; feelings: 求 ~ ask for a favour; plead with sb.
❸ (爱情) love: 谈 ~ 说爱 be courting; talk love; 一见钟 ~ fall in love at first sight
❹ (情欲; 性欲) passion: 发 ~ oestrus; be in heat; ~ 欲 sexual passion
❺ (情形; 情况) situation; circumstances; condition: 病 ~ patient's condition; 军 ~ military situation; 实 ~ actual state of affairs
◆情爱 love; 情报 intelligence; information; 情比海深 One's concern [affection] is deeper than the sea.; 情不自禁 be overcome by one's feelings; be seized with a sudden impulse; feel an irresistible impulse to; can not control oneself [one's own feelings]; cannot contain one's feelings; unable to restrain the emotions; cannot refrain from; in the grip of passion; unable to suppress one's emotion; 情不可却 can hardly decline sb.'s kind offer; 情操 sentiment; 情长纸短 The paper is too short to describe [contain] one's deep feeling.; much in little; 情场失意 frustrated in love; disappointed in love; unlucky in love; 情敌 rival in love; 情调 sentiment; emotional appeal; affective tone; sentimental tone [mood]; 情窦初开 (of a young girl) first awakening [dawning] of love; arrive at puberty; awakened [awakening] interest in the opposite sex; A youth begins to understand love.; onset of puberty; reach puberty; the dawn of love; 情窦未开 heart-whole; before puberty; fancy-free; 情分 mutual affection; 情夫 lover; 情妇 mistress; 情感 {心理} feeling; affection; emotion; sentiment; sensibilities; 情歌 love song; 情话 lover's prattle; lover's honeyed words;
情怀 feelings; 情急智生 hit on a good idea in a moment of desperation; A good [clever; An excellent] idea occurred to one's mind at the crucial moment.; Good ideas come at [in] times of crisis.; have a wily thought in the exigency of the moment; have quick wits in an emergency; One's wits fly fast when in great peril.; show resourcefulness in an emergency; suddenly hit upon a way out of a predicament; The idea just came to someone on the spur of the moment.; Wit comes when one is in a critical moment.; 情节 plot; story; details of a case; circumstances; 情结 complex; 情景 scene; sight; circumstances; 情景会话 circumstance talk; 情景交融 (of literary work) feeling and setting happily blended; (It) is a fusion of feelings with the natural setting.; with the scenery depicted and the emotions expressed in perfect harmony; 情境 circumstances; situation; 情况 circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs; military situation; 情况不妙 Things are in a bad way.; 情郎 fancy man; 情理 reason; sense; 情理难容 inexcusable feelings; contrary to reason [common sense]; incompatible with the accepted code of human conduct; unacceptable sentiments; 情侣 sweethearts; lovers; 情面 feelings; sensibilities; face-saving; personal consideration; 情趣 temperament and interest; interest; appeal; delight; 情趣横生 perfect decorum; 情趣横溢 be full of wit; witty; 情人 lover; sweetheart; 情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in the eye of the gazer [beholder].; Beauty lies in the lover's eyes.; Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.; In the eye of the lover, his beloved is a beauty.; Love blinds a man to imperfections.; Love is blind.; Love sees no fault.; 情溶意蜜 be head over heels in love; 情杀 crime passionnel;
情深似海 One's feeling is (as) deep as the ocean.; Love is as deep as the sea.; The affection is as deep as the sea.; 情深意浓 strong affections; 情深谊厚 on very good terms with each other; 情诗 amatory poems; love poems; love song; 情事 circumstances; situation; condition; 情势 situation; trend of events; circumstances; 情势危急 The situation is critical.; 情书 love letter; 情愫 [书] sincerity; sincere feeling; 情随时迁 Times change and men's affections become altered.; As times alter men's affections change.; Feelings change with the passing of time.; Other times, other feelings.; 情随事迁 People's feelings change with the circumstances.; Circumstances alter cases.; Feelings [Sentiments] change along with the change of events.; Feelings change with the circumstances.; Other circumstances, other feelings.; The alteration of things makes men's feeling change.; 情态 spirit; mood; 情天恨海 affection as high as the heaven and hatred as deep as the sea; the deep love or regret between men and women; 情同骨肉 as dear to sb. as one's own flesh and blood; as fast and indissoluble as flesh and bone; 情同手足 treating sb. like one's own brother; as intimate as brothers; be close like brothers; brotherly love [friendship]; feeling like sb.'s own brother; regard each other as brothers; with brotherly friendship; with brotherly love for each other; 情投意合 agree in opinion; be closely allied in opinion and feelings; be [work] hand in glove with; be of one mind; be pleased with each other; fall in love with each other; find each other congenial; (They) have been united in (their) secret hearts.; mutual affection and agreement [same ideal]; see eye to eye with sb.; suit each other perfectly; 情网 the snares of love; 情味 sentiment; interest; 情形 circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs; 情绪 mood; sentiments; morale; feeling; depression; moodiness; sulks; {心理} emotion; 情意 tender regards; affection; goodwill; cordiality; love and affection; 情意缠绵 the beautiful relations between lovers; be bound up with affection for; 情意绵绵 lingering sentiments; everlasting love; inextricable feeling between the lovers; long-lasting love expressing itself in a subdued but sweet form; very much enamored; The feeling is inextricable.; 情义 ties of friendship; ties of comradeship;
情谊 friendship; friendly feelings; friendly sentiments;
情由 the hows and whys; 情有可原 consider ... as excusable; circumstances which lessen or palliate a fault or a crime; excusable; It is excusable [pardonable].; pardonable; There are extenuating circumstances.; under extenuating circumstances; understandable; 情有所钟 have already had a lover in one's heart; 情欲 sexual passion; lust; erotic feeling; 情愿 be willing to; prefer; would rather; had rather; 情知 be fully aware; know perfectly well; 情知故犯 deliberate flouting of the law; 情至意尽 the climax of one's affection and friendly feelings; 情致 temperament and interest; 情状 state of affairs





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