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单词 息事宁人

息事宁人xī shì níng rén

❶patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned; pour (/throw)oil on troubled waters; smooth things over
❷gloss things over to stay on good terms; compromise (/give way/make concessions) to avoid trouble
❍ 我们人恐怕他们捣乱,为了~起见,便放他们进去了。(巴金《家》55) Our people were afraid they’d disturb the audience with the racket they were making,they let them in,just to keep them quiet.
❍ 畏鬼者常情,非辱也。谬签以畏,可~。(《不怕鬼的故事》85) Fear of ghosts is only natural,nothing shameful. If you had just pretended to be afraid,you could have smoothed things over.


patch up a quarrel;give way to avoid trouble;gloss things over to stay on good terms

息事宁人xī shì nínɡ rén

息:平息;宁:使安宁。从中调解,平息争端,使人安宁。make concessions to avoid trouble, smooth over, pour oil on troubled waters, give up to avoid trouble





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