怪模怪样guài mú guài yàngin the most curious fashion; grotesque; queer-looking; odd; strange;uncanny ❍ 龙老三,你还不把那些衣服脱了! 人看着~!(《儒林外史》340) Come on now,Long San! …Take off those clothes! Do you want to look a figure of fun?/……只是~的已经都用什么包了身子,……(鲁迅《故事新编·补天》 9) They had covered their bodies in the most curious fashion,…/杨执中古貌古心,权勿用~: …… (《儒林外史》159) …While Yang Zhichong looked venerable and Quan Wuyong eccentric;…/关东军叫祭祀府也给我做了一套~的祭祀服,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》363) The Guangdong Army tried to induce me to wear the strangest clothes to perform these rituals,… 怪模怪样ɡuài mó ɡuài yànɡ比喻装扮奇异,样子古怪。grotesque, queer looking, uncanny |