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单词 beat


1. assail,smite repeatedly袭击,反复打击。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.3.91:“with what loud applause/Didst thou beatheaven with blessing Bolingbroke / Before he waswhat thou wouldst have him be!”当波林布鲁克还没有达到你们所希望于他的地位之前,你们曾经怎样用声震苍天的高声欢呼为他祝福!
2. strive against. outdo,excel 与…竞争,超过,胜过。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.2.352(324):“I saw it. and told John a’Gaunt he (i.e. Shallow) beat his (i.e. John ofGaunt’s) own name” i.e.Shallow was such a slenderperson that his thinness excelled John of Gaunt’s ownname (playing on gaunt = thin,slender). 我看见了,并且告诉刚特的约翰说夏禄瘦得超过他自己的名字了。
3. drive by force,drive驱逐,驱赶。
△Com.2.1.102:“Self-harming jealousy! fie,beat it hence.”自苦的嫉妒! 呸,把它丢开吧!
△H.Ⅷ.3.2.218 (217): “No newdevice to beat this from his brains?”没有什么新计策把这件事从他脑子里驱赶出来吗?
~ vi.
1. throb悸动。
△Rom.2.5.49 (48): “What a headhave I! / It beats as it would fall in twenty pieces.”我的头哟! 它痛得好像要裂成二十块似的。
△Lr. 3.4.14:“Save what beats there”,i.e. except what throbs inmy mind. 除了心头的搏动。
2. think or ponder laboriously,think persistently苦苦思索,不断考虑。
△Ham.3.1.183(174): “Whereon hisbrains still beating”,他的脑筋对它老是盘算。
3. flutter and flap the wings with force用力拍打翅膀。
△Shr.4.1.198(195):“as we watch these kites/That bate and beat and will not be obedient.”就像我们熬练那些乱拍打翅膀而不肯服从的鹞子一般。
~ vb.
beat on: hammer on. dwell upon,think about con-stantly,ponder upon不断敲打,停留在,始终想着,思考。
△2H .Ⅵ.2.1.19:“Thy heaven is on earth,thineeyes and thoughts/ Beat on a crown,the treasure ofthy heart;”你的天堂是在尘世上,你的眼睛和思想老是盯住一顶王冠,那才是你心中的财宝。
beat the saddle: beat smooth the woollen padding ofthe saddle which has become lumpy把(凹凸不平的)马鞍子打得平滑。
△1H.IV.2.1.6 (5): “I prithee,Tom,beat Cut’s saddle,”汤姆,请你把短尾马的鞍子拍打得平滑一点。


adj. 颓废的 n. 采写范围,节拍,拍音 v. 拍打,敲打,拍击,打败,战胜,打拍子,拍击
◇ beat about 搜索
beat about the bush 拐弯抹角
beat away 打跑,打开
beat back 反击
beat down price 杀价,打倒,镇压,杀价
beat down on 照射到…身上
beat in 打进,打碎
beat … into 把…凿成,把…锤成
beat off打退,击退
beat out 弄懂,弄清真相
beat it out 节奏强的爵士乐
beat time 打拍子
beat up 惊讶,召集,痛打,毒打
in one’s beat在…职权范围内
off one’s beat 不熟悉的领域,不擅长的题目
off the beat 不合拍,不协调
on the beat 合拍
‖ beat about the bush 拐弯抹角
beat an opponent 越过对手
beat around the bush 绕圈
beat bank button 节奏库钮
beat board 踏跳板,助跳板
beat down 打倒,镇压 beat duty分段巡逻
beat frequency 经常巡逻的路线
beat generation 美国二战后出生的服饰奇特、行为乖僻的一代,美国 “垮掉的一代”/beat hop 前击足跳
beat in fifth 第五姿势击打
beat in octave 第八姿势击打
beat in prime 第一姿势击打
beat in quarte 第四姿势击打
beat in seconde 第二姿势击打
beat in septime 第七姿势击打
beat in sixth 第六姿势击打
beat in tierce 第三姿势击打
beat lamps节拍指示灯
beat note 拍音
beat off the thigh 大腿弹杠
beat out a shot 将球击出
beat out 弄清真相
beat parry 击打防守
beat pin 节拍调整销
beat position 拍节位置
beat selector 节拍选择器
beat swing 弹杠
beat the board 踏跳
beat the gun 抢先成交,抢跑
beat the kick 出发犯规
beat the mark打破纪录亏损
beat the rap 逃避法律制裁
beat the record 创新纪录,打破纪录
beat the target 达到目标
beat swing-uprise backward 腹弹低杠后摆
beaten earth court土地球场
beaten track 热门旅游线路
beaten zone 被射击地区,落弹区
beating reel簧管乐器
beating,smashing and looting 打,砸,抢
beating n. 殴打
beating the ball 跑垒员先于球到垒
beating the gun 与枪声同时出发的犯规
beating the slough 破回抢,破围抢
beating wing 扑翼
beating wood 木雕塑刀
beat-up adj. 残破的,年久失修的
beatage adj. 颓废派的
beaten adj. 被打败的,陈旧的
beater n. 拍打器,节拍器,搅拌器,滚筒
beat-up adj.残破的,年久失修的
beatism n. 披头主义
beatist n. 披头主义者





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