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❶ (生气; 发怒) angry; furious: 横眉 ~ 目 face others with frowning brows and angry eyes; dart fierce looks of hate; 恼 ~ angry; indignant; furious
❷ (形容气势很盛) vigorous; raging; violent: 草木 ~ 生 plants burst out in profusion; 狂风 ~ 号。 A violent wind is howling. Ⅱ (愤怒) anger; rage; fury: 勃然大 ~ fly into a rage; flare up; 发 ~ get angry; fly into a rage [passion]; 息 ~ cease to be angry; calm one's anger; 众 ~ 难犯 you cannot afford to incur public wrath; it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses
◆怒不可遏 be unable to contain [restrain; suppress] one's anger; be angry [angered] beyond all control; be exasperated; be in an uncontrollable rage; be in a towering rage; be unable to restrain [control; check; stay] one's fury [anger]; boil with rage [fury]; be beside oneself with anger [rage]; burst with fury; One's rage [wrath; anger] knew no bounds.; simmer with anger; 怒潮 angry tide; raging tide; {地物} (tidal) bore; 怒斥 angrily rebuke ; indignantly denounce; 怒冲冲 in a rage; furiously; 怒发冲冠 be [become] so angry that one's hair raised [lifted] up his hat; bristle with anger; (He) felt angry and (his) hair seemed to stand up.; make one's blood boil; One's hairs stand on end with anger.; 怒放 in full bloom; 怒号 howl; roar; 怒吼 roar; howl; 怒火 flames of fury; fury; 怒火满腔 Anger flames in one's heart.; be filled with fury; 怒火填膺 swollen with indignation;filled with fury; 怒火万丈 fly into a towering passion; One's flames of rage reach the sky.; One's fury flames to the sky.; set one's temper in a flame; 怒火中烧 burst into anger; be boiling with rage; Blazing anger burns in one's heart.; burn with anger [with wrath]; Flames of wrath leap in one's breast.; Fury burns in one's breast.; One's anger smoulders.; simmer with rage; The anger in one's heart flared up.; 怒骂 curse in rage;
怒目 glaring eyes; fierce stare;
怒目而视 look at with angry eyes; fix sb. with a furious glare; glare furiously; glower at; look daggers at ...; look with fierce piercing eyes; One's eyes were blazing with anger.; scowl at [on] sb.; stare angrily at sb.; 怒气 anger; rage; fury; 怒气冲冲 be ablaze with anger; as cross as a bear; be swollen [black] with anger [rage]; huff and puff; in a fit of spleen; in a great rage; in a huff; seethe with anger; 怒气冲天 One's wrath filled the sky.; A wave of fierce wrath rolled up in sb.; be in a towering rage [passion]; One's anger was wrought up to a high pitch.; Passions ran high.; with an evil eye; 怒容 an angry look; 怒色 an angry look; 怒视 glare at; glower at; scowl at; 怒涛 furious [raging] billows; mountainous sea; precipitous sea; 怒形于色 be betrayed into anger; be black in the face; 怒族 the Nu Nationality, living in Yunnan


anger; rage





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