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❶ (云层放电时发出的响声) thunder: 春 ~ spring thunder; 打 ~ 了。 It is thunder.
❷ (军事上用的爆炸武器) mine: 鱼 ~ torpedo; 布 ~ lay mines
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 云 Lei Yun
◆雷暴 thunderstorm; lightning storm; thunder-gust; 雷达 {讯} radar (缩自 radio detection and ranging); 雷打不动 unshakable; not be altered under any circumstances; 雷电 thunder and lightning; 雷动 thunderous; 雷锋 Lei Feng (1940-1962); 雷公Thunder God; 雷管 detonator; exploder; detonating cap; blasting cap; primer; 雷害 damage caused by thunder; 雷击 {地物} be struck by lightning; thunderstrike; lightning stroke; 雷厉风行 carry out (one's task) with drive and sweep; be exceptionally vigorous in sth.; carry out ... resolutely [strictly]; in a sweeping manner; strictest enforcement; vigorously and effectively; with the power of a thunderbolt and the speed of lightning; with thunder-like violence and wind-like swiftness; 雷米封 {药} rimifon; 雷鸣 thunderous; thundery; 雷姆 {物} rem; roentgen equivalent man; 雷区 mine field; 雷声 thunderclap; thunder; 雷声大, 雨点小 loud thunder but small raindrops; full of sound and fury but with little action; great boast, small roast; much said but little done; much cry and little wool; There's too much talk and not enough work being done.; When the thunder is big the rain is small.; 雷霆 thunderclap; thunderbolt; thunder-like power or rage; wrath; 雷霆万钧 an irresistible force; a crushing blow; a devastating punch; as powerful as a thunderbolt; 雷同 echoing what others have said; duplicate; identical; 雷丸 {中药} stone-like omphalia; 雷雨thunderstorm; 雷阵雨 {气} thunder shower






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