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单词 忠心耿耿

忠心耿耿zhōng xīn gěng gěng

be absolutely loyal;faithfully and conscientiously; fidelity; loyal and devoted; most faithful and true
❍ 江涛也说: “是个~的人,就是有点冒失。”(梁斌《红旗谱》) “He’s absolutely loyal,” agreed Jiangtao. “His weakness is reck lessness.”/我说,这些同志是~,为党为国,就是没有看见大局面,就是没有估计到大多数人,即百分之九十几的人是好人。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—441) I say that,staunch and devoted to the Party and the country as these comrades are,they don’t see the over-all situation,don’t see that the vast majority of the people,that is,more than 90 percent,are good.
❍ 我们有这样一个同志,他从来不怕困难,~,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》150) There was a comrade who never feared difficulties,who worked devotedly for the Party,…/师长的为人,你是知道的。你,~,师长也是知道的。(吴强《红日》430—431) You know what the commander′slike. And the commander knows that your loyalty is beyond question.
❍ 徐总经理本要当面训他一顿,想想自己道理并不多,韩工程师~工作也是为沪江纱厂啊。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—269) Xu Yide was tempted to give him a dressing down on the spot but then he realized that he had no real grounds for doing so and after all Han Yuncheng’s loyalty and conscientiousness in his work was for the sake of the mill.


loyal and devoted;most faithful and true;infinitely loyal;staunch and steadfast
对党对人民~be faithful to the Party and the people/~为教育be dedicated heart and soul to education; work most faithfully for education /~为党为国faithful and devoted to the Party and the country

忠心耿耿zhōnɡ xīn ɡěnɡ ɡěnɡ

耿耿:忠诚的样子。形容非常忠诚。most faithful and true, loyal and devoted, faithful and conscientiously





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