释义 |
忍rěnⅠ ❶ (忍耐; 忍受) bear; endure; tolerate; put up with: ~ 饥挨饿 endure hunger; endure the torments of hunger; ~ 着眼泪 hold back one's tears; 是可 ~, 孰不可 ~? If this can be tolerated, what cannot? 他一声不吭地 ~ 住了疼痛。 He bore the pain without a word of complaint. ❷ (忍心) be hardhearted enough to; have the heart to: 惨不 ~ 睹 too horrible to look at; 于心不 ~ not have the heart to; 我不 ~ 看你这样。 I can't bear to see you like this. ❸ (克制) hold back; refrain: ~ 着点, 别为了一点小事发火。 Be patient. Don't lose your temper over trivial matters. 男孩 ~ 住没哭。 The boy refrained from tears. 他 ~ 住了怒气, 避免了一场殴斗。 He was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 伟 Ren Wei ◆忍不住 unable to bear; unbearable; unable to restrain (oneself); pass the limits of endurance; cannot help (doing sth.); 忍冬 {植} honeysuckle; woodbine; kiss-me-at-the-gate; Lonicera japonica; 忍饥挨饿 suffer (the pangs of) hunger; bear [endure] hunger; endure the torments of hunger; have to go hungry; stay one's stomach; 忍俊不禁 simmer with laughter; cannot avoid laughing at; cannot help smiling; cannot hold back a smile; can't help chuckling (with one's face covered); could not refrain [keep] from laughing; laugh in spite of oneself; (be so pleased with oneself that one) laughed outright; 忍耐 exercise patience; exercise restraint; restrain oneself; be tolerant of; endure; put up with; 忍气吞声 swallow insult and humiliation silently; control oneself and suppress one's indignation; eat humble pie [dirt; the leek]; endure without protest; hold back one's anger and say nothing; restrain one's anger and abstain from saying anything; restrain [repress] one's anger and keep silent; smother one's annoyance [anger]; submit to humiliation; suppress one's groans [indignation]; swallow one's anger [resentment] and dare say nothing; swallow one's pride and endure in silence; swallow one's wrath and not dare to speak; swallow the insults in meek submission; suffer indignities without a protest; 忍让 exercise forbearance; be forbearing and conciliatory; 忍辱 endure contempt; 忍辱负重 swallow humiliation and bear a heavy load; bear disgrace and a heavy burden; bear responsibility and blame; discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders; endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission; grin and bear it; 忍受 bear; endure; undergo; sufter; stand; 忍痛 bear the pain; very reluctantly; 忍痛割爱 part reluctantly with what one treasures; bear pain to give up sth. one cares for very much; endure pains silently to give away what one loves; 忍无可忍 have reached the end of one's forbearance; be at the end of one's forbearance [patience; tother]; be driven beyond (the limits of) forbearance [endurance]; be past [beyond] endurance [all bearing]; be too much for sb. to endure; be unable to stick it out [bear it] any longer; come to the end of one's endurance; come to the end of one's patience; forbear what cannot be bearable; It was more than one could bear.; One's patience has been taxed to the limit.; One's patience was thoroughly exhausted [worn out].; reach the limit of one's patience; This is really too much to bear.; 忍心 have the heart to; be hardhearted enough to; pitiless; hardhearted |