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单词 心悦诚服

心悦诚服xīn yuè chéng fú

be completely (/fully/gladly/genuinely) convinced; be pleased in one’s heart’s core and sincerely submit; be whole heartedly persuaded; feel (/have) a heartfelt admiration; sincere acceptance;submit willingly
❍ 此盖非~,乐为臣仆之时不办也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》250)This could happen only in an age when the people were completely subdued and subservlent.
❍ 为一部分士女所~的李景林先生,可就深知此意了,要是报纸上所传非虚。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—132)Now,if what the papers say is true,Mr Li Jinglin,who is respected and admired by certain ladies and gentlemen,understands this very well.
❍ 那就中国人真将死无葬身之所,除非是~地充当奴才,“没齿而无怨言。” (《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—145)If that is the case,then we Chinese are destined to perish wretchedly unless we are willing to be slaves“without a murmur.”/绝不能以为我们有军队和政权在手,一切都要无条件地照我们的决定去做,因而不注意去努力说服非党人士同意我们的意见,并~地执行。(《毛泽东选集》701) We must never think that because we hold military and political power we can force un conditional compliance with our decisions,and on that account shun the effort to win the non-Partypeople over to our views so that they carry them out gladly and whole-heartedly.
❍ 以德服人者,中心悦而诚服也。(《孟子·公孙丑上》) When one subdues men by virtue,in their hearts’core they are pleased,and sincerely submit.


feeling a heartfelt admiration;be completely convinced


be fully (or completely) convinced;be convinced from the bottom of one’s heart;have a heartfelt admiration
对批评~fully accept one’s criticism/~地贯彻执行carry out sth gladly and wholeheartedly

心悦诚服xīn yuè chénɡ fú

悦:愉快,高兴;诚:诚实,正直;服:服气,佩服。真心诚意地服从或佩服。be completely convinced, be wholeheartedly persuaded, sincere acceptance, admire sb. from the heart





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