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❶ (善良; 慈善) good: ~ 行 good conduct; 心怀不 ~ harbour ill intent; 慈眉 ~ 目 a kindly face
❷ (良好) satisfactory; good: ~ 策 a wise policy; the best policy
❸ (友好; 和好) kind ; friendly: 友 ~ be friendly; be kind and helpful
❹ (熟悉) familiar: 面 ~ look familiar Ⅱ ❶ (办好; 弄好) make a success of; perfect: 工欲 ~ 其事, 必先利其器。 A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.
❷ (擅长; 长于) be good at; be expert [adept] in: 不 ~ 经管 not good at management; 能歌 ~ 舞 be good at singing and dancing; ~ 破 ~ 立 be good at destroying the old and establishing the new; 勇敢 ~ 战 be brave and skilful in battle
❸ (容易; 易于) be apt to: ~ 变 be apt to change; be changeable; ~ 忘 be forgetful; have a short memory Ⅲ (好好地) properly: ~ 为说辞 put in a good word for sb.; ~ 自保重 take good care of yourself Ⅳ ❶ (善行; 善事) good: 改恶从 ~ give up evil and return to good; mend one's ways; 行 ~ do good works; 真, ~, 美 the true, the good and the beautiful
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 友 Shan You
◆善罢甘休 leave the matter at that; be willing to let go [give up]; be willing to take things lying down; let it go at that;
善报 reward for good deeds;
善本 reliable text; good edition;
善处 [书] deal discreetly with; conduct oneself well;
善恶 good and evil;
善后 cope with the aftermath of a disaster; deal with problems arising from an accident, disaster, etc.; redress; rehabilitate;
善举 [书] philanthropic act or project;
善类 [书] good and honest people; people of goodwill;
善良 good and honest; kindhearted;
善邻 [书] get on well with one's neighbours;
善男信女 devotees to Buddha; devout men and women;
善骑能射 have skill in riding and shooting;
善人 philanthropist; charitable person; well-doer;
善始善终 begin [start] well and end well; be good beginning and good end; be good from beginning to end; do well from start to finish; see sth. through; see a thing through from beginning to end; A good beginning will end well.;
善事 good deed; benefaction; charity; philanthropic act;
善忘 amnesia;
善为说辞 put in a good word for sb.;
善心 mercy; kindhearted; good intention; bene ̄ volence;
善意 goodwill; good intentions; sincere; bona fides; good faith;
善有善报, 恶有恶报 There is justice in this world.; Good and evil must at last have their reward.; Good citizens are rewarded and the wicked punished.; Good has its reward and evil has its recompense.; Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil.; Goodness will meet with good recompense and evil with evil recompense.;
善于 be good at; be adept in;
善战善胜 be good at fighting and winning;
善终 die a natural death; die in one's bed;
善自保重 take good care of yourself;
善自为谋 be apt at devising a good plan for oneself; able to take good care of oneself; capable in planning [working] for one's own interests; give a problem careful consideration; give one's full consideration to sth.; good at looking after oneself; know how to take care of oneself; look after [take care of] number one; look after one's own interests








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