释义 |
彼亦一是非,此亦一是非bǐ yì yī shì fēi,cǐ yì yī shì fēithere is reason on both sides; there are no fixed concepts of right and wrong; there is truth in this and also truth in that; this may be right,but the reverse may not be wrong ❍ 增加混乱的倒是有些悲观论者,不施考察,不加批评,但用 “~” 的论调,将一切作者,诋为 “一丘之貉”。这样子,扰乱是永远不会收场的。(鲁迅《准风月谈·中国文坛的悲观》) In fact it is these pessimists who increase the chaos by saying there is reason on both sides,without examining the situation or passing censure,but considering all writers birds of one feather.This is no way to end the chaos. ❍ 至于说: “平心而论,彼一是非,此一是非,原非确论”,则在近来的庄子道友中,简直是鹤立鸡群似的卓见了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—166) As for his contention that “Strictly speaking,it is not true to say that there are no fixed concepts of right and wrong”,that is really a remarkable statement,quite outstanding for a dis ciple of Zhuang Zi. ❍ 我们如果到庄子里去找词汇,大概不可以过着两句宝贝的教训: “~”,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—139) Again if we look for phrases in Zhuang Zi,we can probably find this inestimable precept; “There is truth in this and also truth in that.”/此所谓 “~”,你固然不能说没有衣服对,然而你又怎么能说有衣服对呢?(鲁迅《故事新编·起死》124) This is why we say:“This may be right,but the reverse may not be wrong.”You can’t say it is right never to wear clothes; on the other hand can you say it is always right to wear them? |