释义 |
彼bǐⅠ ❶ (那;那个) that;those;another;the other: ~ 地 at that place;~ 时 at that time; 此起 ~ 伏 as one falls,another rises; 由此及 ~ proceed from one to the other ❷ (对方;他) the other party;he;him:知己知 ~ know both one's opponent and oneself;~ 退我进。 As he retreats,I march forward. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 安 Bi An ◆彼岸 [书] (对岸) the other shore;the opposite bank;(佛教指超脱生死的境界,涅槃) paradise;nirvana;Faramita; 彼此 each other;both parties;one another;that and this;you and me; 彼此彼此 in similar position;be no better [worse] than;One good turn deserves another.;The feeling is mutual.;We are alike.; 彼此不合 be [get] at cross purposes; 彼此道别 say goodbye to each other; 彼此反目 be on bad terms with each other; 彼此呼应 act in concert [coordination] with each other;support each other; 彼此谅解 reconciled with each other; 彼此相关 be relative to each other; 彼一时,此一时 That was one situation and this is another — times have changed.;Circumstances alter cases.;Different times call for different actions. |