释义 |
彪biāoⅠ ❶ (虎身上的斑纹) stripes or streaks on the skin of a tiger ❷ [书] [喻] (文彩) rich and bright colours ❸ (虎) tiger ❹ [书] (小老虎) a young tiger;a tiger cub ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 虎臣 Biao Huchen Ⅱ ❶ [书] (彰明,显著) clear;obvious;conspicuous ❷ (身体魁伟健壮) tall and husky;hefty Ⅲ ❶ [书] (挂) hang ❷ [方] (喷射) spurt;spout;gush ◆彪炳 [书] (文彩焕发;照耀) shining;splendid; 彪炳千古 shining through the ages; 彪炳事业 brilliant,glorious achievement in history; 彪形大汉 burly chap;bruiser;martial-looking person;tiger-cat shaped man — stalwart person;husky fellow |