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单词 into
释义 into /'inta; hnta; strong form: 'intu:; 'intu/ prep 1 (indicating motion or direction to a point within): (表示向内的动作或方向)进入…之内; 向内: Come ~ the house/arden. 到房屋(花园)里来。 Throw it ~ the fire. 把它丢到火中。 He worked late ~ the night. 他工作至深夜。 2 (indicating change of condition, result): (表示状况的变化或结果)变成…之状况: She burst ~ tears. 她突然号啕大哭。 Don't get ~ trouble. 不要惹麻烦。 The rain changed ~ snow. 雨变成了雪。 He poked the fire ~ a blaze, poked it so that it blazed up. 他将火拨大了。 Collect them ~ heaps. 将它们聚成藏 He frightened her ~ submission. 他恐碳姐庇她顺从。 be ~ sth, (mod use, colloq) be involved in, concerned with, it: (现代用法,俗)牵扯; 与…有关: She's heavily ~ vegetarian-ism. 她十分主张素食。 3 (maths): (数学)除: 5 ~ 25 25 divided by 5) goes 5. 5 除 25 得 5。




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