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单词 balance
释义 balance2 /'bselsns; 'bselsns/ n 1 apparatus for weighing, with a central pivot, beam and two scales or pans. 天平; 秤。 £6/Aw/g in the ~, (fig, of a result) be still uncertain: (喻,指结果) 仍不一定; 尚未可知; 悬置未决: For a long time his fate in the ~. 他的命运很久不能确定。 2 regulating apparatus of a watch or clock. (钟表内的) 调整器; 平希器。 '~-wheel n wheel, in a watch, that regulates the beat. (表内的) 平衡轮; 摆轮。 3 [U] condition of being steady; condition that exists when two opposing forces are equal. 平衡状态; 均势状态。 checks and ~s, ccheck (1). hold the ~, have the power to decide. 有决定之权。 in the undecided. 尚未决定的; 悬而未决的。 keep one's ~, keep steady, remain upright: 保持平衡; 保持直立: A small child has to learn to keep its ~ before it can walk far. 小孩在能走远以前,必先学会保持平衡。 Don't get excited; keep your ~, (fig) keep calm. (喻) 不要冲动; 保持冷静。 lose one's ~, become unsteady; fall; (fig) be upset mentally: 失去平衡; 烦倒; (喻) 心绪紊乱 He was surrounded by so many dangers that he lost his became nervous and upset, 他为如此之多的危险所环绕,故心绪甚为紊乱。 throw sb off his' ~, upset him; cause him to fall. 使某人心情紊乱; 使某人跌倒。 ~ of power, condition in which no one country or group of countries is much stronger than another. (U际间的) 势力均衡状态。 4 [U] (in art) harmony of design and proportion: (艺术) 构图与比例之调和; 调谐: a picture lacking in ~. 构图与比例不调和的图画。 5 (accounts) difference between two columns of an account (money received and money paid out, etc). (帐目) 借贷双方的差额; 收支差额; 结余。~, taking everything into consideration. 赘一切敏形都考虑到。 strike a ~ (between.find this difference; (fig) reach a solution or adjustment considered to be fair to all; (fig) compromise; find a middle course. 结算帐目; (喻) 寻出公平的解决办法; (喻) 采折衷办法; 取中庸之道。 ~ of payments, statement (for a stated period) of the total payments to foreign countries (for imports, outflow of capital and gold) and the total receipts from foreign countries (for exports, inflow of capital and gold). 国际收支平衡表 (说明在某一段期间内为进口,资本和黄金的外流而付给外国的及为出口,资本和黄金的流入而收自外国的全部款项) 。 ~ of trade, dif ference in value between exports and imports, 贸易差额。 '~→sheet, written statement of this difference, with details, showing credit and debit. 借贷对照表; 资产负债表。 6 amount still owed after a part payment: (付过一部份款后之) 欠款; 余额; 尾款: ~ to be paid within one week. 应于一周内付清之尾款。 7 the (colloq) the remainder of anything; what is left. (俗) 剩余。




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