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单词 back
释义 back4 /baek; baek/ (used attrib, and in compounds, with references to the articles on the n, adv part and v above) (以上海名词、副词接语及动词各义作形容用法,并用于复合字中) 1 → back'd,2). ache n [U, C] ache or pain in the ~. 背蒲。 band n strap over a horse's cart-saddle, supporting the shafts of a cart or carriage. (马车鞍上的附搭于马背上用以支持车殖之)背带。 ~bone n a line of bones down the middle of the ~, from the skull to the hips; spine, spinal column, the illus at skeleton; (fig) chief support: 脊骨; 脊柱(参看 skeleton 之插图); (喻)主要支持力; 主干; 中坚分子: Such men are the ~ 6o”e of the country. 这种人才是国家的中坚分子。 b [U] (fig) strength; firmness: (喻)刚强; 坚毅: He hasn't enough ~ bone, is weak in character. 他不够坚强。 c to the ~bone, (fig) completely; in every way: (喻)彻头彻尾地; 道道地地: He's British to the ~ bone. 他是道道地地的英国人。 '~, breaking adj (of work) exhausting. (指工作) 费力的; 累人的。 2 Lback' (4, 5)., -.'hand(ed) expected. (用手背)反掌或反向的打击; 反手击。→ forehand. Hence, 由此产生,(fig)(喻): a ~ handed compliment, one that is ambiguous (eg suggesting sarcasm). 愈苦或含义不明的恭维。 scratcher n a device with claws on a long handle for scratching the ~ (when there is an irritation, etc). 麻姑爪(长柄,一端有爪,背痒时用以抓背的器具,有些地方叫’不求人')。 b flatterer. 谄媚者。 0 scratch v(5). , ~-stroke n a [U] swimming stroke done on the ~, rotating the arms alternately. 仰泳。 b [C] ~-handed stroke. 反掌或反向的 5 击; 反手击。 '~ sword n sword with only one cutting edge. 单刃剑; 大砍刀。 3 → back (5) and back1 ⑴ ., ~-(of housing) of two rows of terrace houses, often separated by a narrow alley, with the ~s facing. (指房屋)背靠背的(指两排连栋式的房屋,通常由一小巷隔开,两排房屋之后面均'朝小巷) 。 I 'bench(er) n (person occupying) one of the seats in the House of Com- adj ~ hand blow/stroke, one that is delivered with the ~ of the hand turned outwards, or in a direction different from what is usual or mons (or other law-making body) used by those members, who, because they do not or have not held office, are not entitled to a front-bench seat. 在英国下议院或其他议会中之后排座席; 在英国下议院或其他议会中,坐于后排座位之议员(因其非为,或不曾为,政府官员,故不得坐于前排座位)。 → bench (1). ' ~- blocks n pl (in Australia) areas of land a long way from a railway, river, the sea-coast, etc and thinly populated. (澳洲)距离铁路、河道、海岸等均甚远且人口稀少之地区; 偏僻地区。' ~ board n movable board at the ~ of a cart. (马车后面可以移动的)后板; 背板。 '~cloth n painted cloth hung at the ~ of a stage in a theatre, as part of the scenery. (戏台后面所挂的)背景幕; 天幕。,~'door n door at the ~ of a house or other building; (attrib, fig) secret or indirect; clandestine: 后门; (形容用法,喻) 秘密的; 间接的; 幕后的; 暗中的: ~ door influence. 幕后的势力。 '~-drop n → ~cloth. '~-ground n a that part of a view, scene (and, fig, a description) that serves as a setting for the chief objects, persons, etc. 背景; (喻)衬托性敍述 o → foreground. b person's past experiences, education, environment. 个人的学经历与环境; 背景。 c contemporary condition(s): 当时的情况; 时代背景: the social and political ~ ground; 当时社会及政治的情况; (comm) details necessary to an understanding of company business: (商)了解公司业务所必需的细节: B~ ground information will be supplied at the Board meeting. 公司业务的详细资料将于开董事会时提供。 d (be/keep/stay) in the ~ ground, away from publicity; hidden. 在(保持在)幕后。 e ~ ground music/effects, etc, music, etc that accompanies dialogue, action, etc (eg in a radio or TV programme or a cinema film) but is not essential to the story, etc. (无线电广播、电视节目或电影中,配合对话、动作等,而并非故事内容等所不可缺少的)配乐(音响效果等)。 ~less adj (of a dress), not covering the ~; cut to the waist at the ~: (指女装)无背的; 露背的; 背部底开到腰的: 0 ~ ss gown. 露背礼服。 '~ most adj farthest from the front. 最度面南。 '~-room n room at the ~ of a building: 位于建筑物后部的房间; 后房: ~ room boys, (colloq) scientists, engineers, research workers in offices and laboratories. (俗)办公室或实验室中的科学家、工程师或研究工作人员。 i ~ 'seat n seat at the ~. 后座。 take a ~ seaf, (fig) behave as if one were unimportant; humble oneself. (喻)谦逊; 自谦。 ~- seat 'driver, passenger (in a car) who corrects or advises the driver. 后座驾驶员(坐在车中改正或劝吿驾驶员的乘客) o'— side n (colloq) buttocks: (俗)臀部; 屁股: give sb a kick on the ~ side. 踢某人屁发一下。 'stage adv a behind the scenes (in a theatre): (戏院中)在后台; 至后台: I was taken —stage by the leading actor. 我检主角带到后台。 b (attrib) 1 形容用法): ~ stage life, of actors and actresses when not on the stage. (演员的)后台生活(即非演戏时的私生活)。 .—'stair adj secret; underhand: 秘密的; 暗中的: ~ stair influence. 秘密势力; 暗中的影响力。 .—'stairs n staircase from servants, quarters: (通至仆人住处的)后楼梯: (attrib) (形容用法) ~ sfairs gossip, ie among servants. 仆人们的闲话。 ~-stays n pl (naut) set of ropes from the mast-head to the sides of a ship, sloping towards the stern. (航海)(自桅顶牵引至船侧并向船尾斜下之)后拉索。' ~ wash n movement of water going away in waves, esp the rush of water behind a ship; (fig) unpleasant after-effects of sth done. 回浪(往远处移动之波浪,尤指轮船等后面所搅起者); 水之反溅; (喻)完成某事物后所留下不愉快的后效; 余波。 '~ water n a part of a river not reached by its current, where the water does not flow, 死水; 滞水(河流中水流不经过之处, 此处之水不流动)。 b (fig) place, condition of mind, untouched by events, progress, etc: (喻)穷乡僻壤; 思想停滞: ”v- ing in an intellectual ~ wafer, untouched by new ideas, etc. 生活于智力沉滞的状态之中。 '~ woods n pl uncleared forest land; (fig) culturally backward area. 偏僻的莽林地区; (喻)文化落后地区。 '~-woodsman /-MSN; -MSN/ n (pl -men) man who lives in the ~woods; (fig) old-fashioned person. 居于偏僻的莽林地区之人; (喻)守旧的人。 ~ 'yard n (esp of terraced houses) (usu paved) area at the ~ of a house: 后院(房屋后面的空地, 通常是加工铺过的,尤指一排房屋之后院): The dustbin is kept in the ~ yard. 垃圾箱是放在后院里。 4 点 back1 (2). to an earlier point in time; to a former place. 至先前的时间; 至原先的位置。 — date vt date ~ to a time in the past: 追溯至(过去某时): The wage increases are to be ~ dated to the first of January. 工资的増加将追溯至元月一日。 n (sound caused by the) too early explosion of gas in an internal combustion engine, causing the piston to move in the wrong direction. (内燃机气缸内爆发过早致使活塞倒行之)逆火; 逆火所引起的声响。 vi produce, make the sound of, a ~fire; (fig) produce an unexpected or undesired result: 逆火; 发出逆火的声响; (喻)产生意外或不良的后果: The Plot ~ fired. 该秘密计划产生了不良的后果。 ' ~- formation n [U, C] (process of making a) word that appears to be the root of a longer word (eg televise, from television). 反造字(根据一个较长的字, 反造出一个看来似乎为其字根之字,例如根据 television 反造出 televise); 反造法。 '~-log n accumulation of work or business (eg arrears of unfulfilled orders) not yet attended to. 积哒之待办事项(如订货之迟未发出)。 '~ num-ber n a issue of a periodical of an earlier date, not now on sale. 过期的期刊(市面上已不卖的); 旧杂志。 b (fig, colloq) out-of-date or old-fashioned method, thing, person, etc. (喻,俗)过时或旧式的方法, 事物,人等; 老古董; 落伍的观念。 '~ pay / rent / taxes, etc, n pay, etc in arrears; pay, etc that is overdue. 过期未付的款(房租,税等)。 .—'pedal vi (on a bicycle, etc) pedal ~wards; (fig) retreat hurriedly from sth stated or promised. (在脚踏车等上)倒实脚踏板; (喻)匆忙取消所说的或所答应的某事物。,~ - 'slide vi [VP2A] fall back from good ways into bad old ways of living; lose interest in religious practice, morality, etc. 从良好的生活方式恢复到以往的不良的方式; 故态复萌; 对敎规、道德等失去兴趣; 堕落; 退步。 'space vi move the carriage of a typewriter ~ one or more spaces by pressing the key (called 称作 the '~ spacer key) used for this purpose. 按退格键使打字机的滚筒倒退一格或数格。 5 → back2(3). in return; in reply. 还报; 回答。 ' ~- bite vt, vi slander the reputation of (sb who is absent); speak slanderously about an absent person. 背后诋毁(某人)的名讐; 诽谤; 背后说人坏话; 中伤。 Hence, 由此产生 biter n person who ~bites. 背后说人坏话的人; 诽谤者。 '~ chat n [U] (colloq) (exchange of) impertinent remarks: (俗)恶言; 粗为的话; 恶言相向: I want none of your ~ chat. 不订对我说这种粗鲁的话。 '~-lash n [U] aexcessive movement caused by loose connections between mechanical parts (often causing ~ ward movement). 反撞; 齿隙(由于机器零件间连接的髯弛而引起激烈运动,常导致反向运动)。 b (fig) antagonistic reaction (esp in social or race relations). (喻)敌对反应(尤指社会或种族关系中者)。 '~talk n [U]= ~ chat. 恶言; 粗话; 恶言反驳。




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