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单词 vessel


1.utensil for holding something 器皿。
△ Mac.3.5.18:“Your vessels and your spells provide,”把你们的器皿和符咒都准备好。
2. receptacle or utensil for holding liquids. as cup.cask,etc. 盛液体的容器或器皿(如杯、桶等)。
△ H.V.4.Cho.3:“the wide vessel of the universe. ”i. e. the vasthollow vault,the great cup of the sky.像大碗似的覆盖着宇宙的苍穹。
3. chalice 杯子。
united vessel of their blood. the chalice of their united blood 盛着他们共同血液的杯子。
△ 2H.IV.4.4.44:“That the united vessel of their blood,/ Mingled withvenom of suggestion,/ As,force perforce,the agewill pour it in. / Shall never leak.”这样,盛着同胞兄弟共同血液的杯子,尽管时人不免要把挑拨离间的毒物倾注进去,也永远不会崩漏。
4. utensil. (fig.) human body. body 器皿,(比喻)人体,身体。
△Oth.4.2.82 (83):“If to preserve this vessel formy lord / From any other foul unlawful touch / Benot to be a strumpet,I am none.”如果为我的夫君保藏住我这身体,不让任何淫邪的人进行非法接触,绝不是娟妓的话,那么我就不是。
5. utensil.i.e.person. 器皿,(转义)人。
△L.L.L.1.1.273 (274):“I keep her as a vessel of thy law’s fury,”我将她看管,作为听候您依法严惩的人。
6. ship,esp. large one 船,大船。
△Mer.3.2.271(270):“And not one vessel ’scape the dreadful touch/ Of merchant-marring rocks?”难道就没有一条船逃过了那让商船遭难的礁石的可怕碰撞吗?
△ Oth. 2.1.36:“Let’s to the sea-side,hol / As well to see the vesselthat’s come in / As to throwout our eyes for brave Othel-lo.”我们到海边去,嗬! 去看那进港的船.同时也去张望勇敢的奥赛罗。
vessel of peace:i.e.heart; mind和平的器皿,(指)心,心灵。
△ Mac.3.1.67 (66):“Put rancours in the vessel of my peace”,i.e.put malice in my heart; poisonedmy own peace of mind. 在我的和平之杯里注入了狠毒:毒害了我自己平静的心灵。
weaker vessel: i.e.woman 软弱的器皿,(指)女人。
△ L.L. L. 1 . 1 . 271 (272):“Jaquenetta (so is the weak er vessel called),” 杰奎尼妲(这就是那个女人的名字)。
△ As.2.4.5: “but I must comfort the weaker vessel,as doublet and hose ought to show itself courageous topetticoat.”但是我又得安慰这位弱女子,因为穿紧身衣和长裤的应该在穿裙子的面前显出勇敢的样子。
△Rom.1.1.19 (15):“women,being the weaker vessels.”女人,本来就是柔弱的器皿。



‖ vessel in distress 遭难船舶,船只,血管,导管





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