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单词 office
office/′ɒfɪs, AmE ɔ:-/ n

(1)办公室(楼)(room or building in which the business of a firmesp clerical or administrative work is done)[C,常pl]:Our~is quite close to our factory.我们的办公楼离我们的工厂很近。The firm's head~s are in London.该商号的总部在伦敦。~workers/equipment/jobs/girls/boys/blocks/hours 办公室的工作人员/办公室的设备/办公室的工作/勤杂女工/工友/办公大楼/办公时间;

(2)办公处(室),事物所(small room in which a particular person works)[C]:the bank manager's~银行经理室;a lawyer's~律师事务所;She shares an~with several other people.她和其他几个人共用一间办公室。

(3)诊所(doctor's consulting room)[C](AmE):the physician's~内科诊所;

(4)有特定用途的房间或建筑物(room or building used for a particular purpose)[C]: a lost-property/tax/ticket~失物招领处/税务所/售票处;

(5)(政府部门的)部,局,厅(的建筑物)(place that has a government department in it)[Csing](cap)(尤构成合成词):O~of Science and Technology(美国)科学和技术局;the Scottish O~in London 伦敦的苏格兰事务部;the Foreign/Home O~外交部/内政部;

(6)公(官)职;高级职务(position of authorityesp in the government or as a government)[CU]:the~of chairman主席职位;lay down/seek/accept/leave/resign/hold/take an~in the government 辞去/谋求/接受/放弃/辞掉/占有/担任政府中一个职位;Many~s in that country could be bought.在那个国家许多官职都可以花钱买。The~term of the members of Japan's House of Representatives is four years.日本众议院议员的任职期为四年。His political party has been in/out of~for many years.他的政党已执政/在野多年。~holder/bearer 公务员(官员);

(7)(基督教的)礼仪(Christian religious ceremony)[Csing](cap):the Divine O~每日祷告;perform the last~for sb 为某人举行葬礼;recite one's~背祷文;

through sb's good offices (fml)承某人的好意协助:We got the information we need through his good~s.我们在他的善意帮助下得到了需要的信息。

→of′ficiate vi行职务;司仪;of′ficious adj好管闲事的;′officer n 军官;高级官(职)员;警察;of′ficial adj





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