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单词 弱不胜衣

弱不胜衣ruò bù shèng yī

scarcely strong enough(/too frail) to bear the weight of one’s clothes
❍ 众人见黛玉年纪虽小,其举止言谈不俗,身体面貌虽~,却有一段风流态度,便知他有不足之症,……(《红楼梦》28)❶All present had been struck by Daiyu’s good breeding. For in spite of her tender years and evident delicate health,she had an air of natural distinction.
❷Everyone’s attention now centred on Daiyu. They observed that although she was still young,her speech and manner already showed unusual refinement.They also noticed the frail body which seemed scarcely strong enough to bear the weight of its clothes,but which yet had an inexpressible grace about it.
❍ 也在这车上,才看见~的少爷,绸衫尖头鞋,口嗑南瓜子,手里是一张《消闲录》之类的小报,而且永远看不完。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·上海通信》149) And it was on this train that I first saw young gentlemen too frail for the weight of clothes,in silk gowns and shoes with pointed toes,who ate pumpkin seeds while reading some frivolous paper which they never seemed tofinish.

弱不胜衣ruò bù shènɡ yī

胜:承受,支撑。柔弱得连衣服都支撑不住。形容人的身体非常虚弱。too delicate to wear a coat, too frail to bear the weight of one’s clothes





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