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单词 新亭对泣

新亭对泣xīn tíng duì qì

look at each other and weep in Xinting-think of (/long for) one’s native place
❍ 过江诸人,每至美日,辄相邀新亭,藉卉钦宴。周侯中坐而叹曰: “风景不殊,正自有山河之异。”皆相视流泪。(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》 Whenever the day was fair,those who had crossed the Yangtze River would always gather at Xinting (a southern suburb of Nanjing) to drink and feast on the grass. On one occasion Zhou Yi,who was among the company,sighed and said,“The scene is not dissimilar to the old days in the North; it’s just that naturally there’s difference between these mountains and rivers and those.” All those present looked at each other and wept.

新亭对泣xīn tínɡ duì qì

新亭:亭名。表示对故国的思念。worry about the confused state affairs, think of one’s native place





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