释义 |
张灯结彩悬灯结彩zhāng dēng jié cǎiadorn with lanterns and festoons; be decorated (/decked)with lanterns and coloured streamers; hang out lanterns and put up buntings; be gay with lanterns and decorations ❍ 早又元宵将近,宁荣二府皆~。(《红楼梦》672) And as soon as this was over,both mansions were decked out and hung with lanterns for the approaching Lantern Festival. ❍ 俱乐部里~,好不热闹。两盏大汽灯照得满屋通明透亮。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》156) The club room,decorated with bunting andstreamers,was brightly lit by two big pressure lamps. ❍ 甬道里从新年以前几天就开始~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》522) The corridor where the parties were usually held would be hung with lanterns and decorations. ❍ 他觉得家乡父老,没有搭牌楼,悬灯结彩欢迎他一番,是大大不应该的。(高云览《小城春秋》218) He couldn't understand why his friends and neighbours hadn't erected a triumphal arch,hung with lanterns and buntings ,to welcome his return. ❍ 在~的后邸门前,又是一大片军警,保卫着婉容的父亲和他的兄弟们——都跪在那里迎接正副使带来的“圣旨”……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》134) At the brightly illuminated gate of the “residence” another host of police and soldiers were guarding Wan Rong’s father and brothers as they knelt there to greet the “imperial decree”brought by the two envoys. ❍ 他既然要娶我,怎的不~,择吉过门? (《儒林外史》471) If he wants to marry me,why doesn’t he hang lanterns and festoons and choose a lucky day for the wedding,…… 张灯结彩zhānɡ dēnɡ jié cǎi张:铺排、陈设。排开灯烛,结起彩饰。形容喜庆或节日的欢庆场面。be decorated with lanterns and coloured streamers, be gay with lanterns and decorations, decorate with lanterns and coloured ribbons, hang with lanterns and decorations |