弘hónɡⅠ (大) great;grand;magnificent Ⅱ (扩充;光大) enlarge;promote;expand: ~ 扬文化 promote and develop the culture Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 伟 Hong Wei ◆弘大 grand; 弘道 promote;expand the teachings;immense; 弘济时艰 extensive relief of current difficulty; 弘量 magnanimous;liberal-minded;large capacity for forgiveness;magnanimity; 弘论 informed opinion;intelligent view; 弘誓大愿 great determination and aspiration; 弘图 great plan;grand prospect; 弘扬 develop and expand;propagate;advance and enrich;uphold;carry on and promote;carry forward; 弘远 far and wide; 弘愿 great ambition;great wish;noble ambition; 弘旨 main theme (of an article); 弘志 great ambition |