释义 |
弓ɡōnɡⅠ ❶ (射箭或发弹丸的器械) bow:弹 ~ catapult;slingshot; 强 ~ a heavy bow; 张 ~ 搭箭 with bows drawn and arrows set ❷ (弓子) bow-shaped things:小提琴的 ~ bow of a violin ❸ (木制的丈量地亩的器具) wooden land-measuring dividers ❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 强 Gong Qiang Ⅱ (旧时丈量地亩的计算单位,一弓等于五尺) an old unit of length for measuring land,equal to five chi (尺) Ⅲ (使弯曲) bend;arch;bow;crook: ~ 着腰 bend down;~ 身坐在驾驶盘前 hunch over the steering wheel;~ 肩缩背 arched shoulder and shrugged back ◆弓斑游蛇 water pilot; 弓背 back of a bow;hunchbacked;stooping;roach back;humpback; 弓不上弦 no arrow fitted to the string; 弓材 bowstave; 弓袋箭壶 quiver of arrows and bow; 弓弧形房屋 {建} bow; 弓弧沙坝 {地质} point bar;meander bar; 弓蛔虫病 toxocariasis; 弓架 shel; 弓箭 bow and arrow; 弓锯 bow-saw;sash saw;pad saw;piercing saw;hack saw; 弓扣 nock; 弓里 a surname; 弓力 bow weight; 弓马娴熟 be an expert archer and horseman;attain proficiency in archery and riding;be an accomplished horseman and trained in the use of arms;be most skilled in the use of the bow while on horseback;be proficient in archery and riding;be very able in shooting arrows and in riding horses;excel in horsemanship and marksmanship; 弓弩箭矢 bows and arrows; 弓弩齐发 Arrows and bolts fly thick.;The arrows and bolts fly forth in a sudden fierce shower.; 弓弩手 crossbowman; 弓鳍鱼 {脊椎} bowfin;dogfish;grindle;mudfish; 弓起 arch;bend; 弓如满月 One's bow arches like a full moon.; 弓鲨 hybodont; 弓身 bent body; 弓似秋月 The bow curves like the harvest moon.; 弓网 bow net; 弓弦乐器 bowed stringed instrument;bowed string instrument;bowed instrument;fiddle; 弓形 {数} segment of a circle;bow-shaped;arched;curved;arch form;arch;bow;segment; 弓形河漫滩 bow valley flat; 弓子 springs; 弓子 bow;anything bow-shaped |