释义 |
异想天开yì xiǎng tiān kāia flight of fancy; a kick in one’s gallop; come out with most fantastic ideas; entertain (/have) strange (/fantastic/wild)ideas; freak(ish);give reins to one’s imagination(/fancy); give wings to one’s ideas; have a brainwave; have a maggot in one’s head (/brain);indulge in the wildest fantasy; lend wings to the imagination; one’s imaginations run riot (/wild);stretch of the imagination; vagarious; want to square the circle; whimsical; whimsied; have one’s head in the clouds ❍ 规定书店保持‘灰色’,宜小不宜大,你却偏要扩大,偏要卖进步书籍,还~,办什么文艺刊物;……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》127) The bookstore was to be small and of no particular political colour,but you insisted on enlarging it,and selling progressive books,and even conceived the brilliant idea of starting a literary magazine. ❍ 有一次,大约是八九岁的时候,我……忽然~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 79) Once when I was about seven or eight I had a brainwave:…/他忍不住叹一口气,~地打算拉几文来;…… (《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—209) Mr Lin couldn’t repress a sigh. He had a wild desire to snatch back a part of the cash. ❍ 既~,又实事求是,这是科学工作者特有的风格,让我们在无穷的宇宙长河中去探索无穷的真理吧!(郭沫若《科学的春天》) Lend wings to the imagination while doing things in a down-to-earth manner—this is the style typical of scientific workers. So let us explore the boundless universe in quest of never ending truth. ❍ 侯、马匪徒,眼看着巍峨的长白山,又在~。(曲波《林海雪原》544) When bandit leaders Hou and Ma saw the towering Long White Mountains,their imaginations again ran riot. 异想天开indulge in the wildest fantasy;have a most bizarre idea 利令智昏、~blinded by greed and indulge in the wildest fantasy 异想天开yì xiǎnɡ tiān kāi异:奇特。比喻想法离奇,不可能实现。have bats in the belfry, a kick in one’s gallop, have a very fantastic idea, indulge in wild fantasy, give wings to one’s ideas, fanciful, cry for the moon |