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单词 authority
释义 authority /x'Oorati; a'Oorati/ n (pl -ties) 1 [U] power or right to give orders and make others obey: 权力; 权威; 权势; 威信: The problem of how to cope with ~, eg wrongdoers with the police, children with parents. 如何应付权威的问题 (例如为非作歹者之应付警方,孩子们之应付父母亲) 。 An officer has/exercises ~ over the soldiers under him. 军官有 (行使) 权力指挥其属下士兵。 Who is in ~ here? It 是这里的主管? He has made his ~ felt, caused people to . realize that he has power to make them obey. 他已使人们感到他的权威 (使人们明白他有权使他们服从)。 under the ~ of; under sb's ~, responsible (l) to: 对…负责; 受…管理: These boys are under the ~ of their teacher/under his ~. 这些男孩受他们的老师的 (他的) 管敎。 2 [U] ~ (for sth/to do sth), right given to sb: 赋予某人 (做某事) 之权: Only the treasurer has ~ to make payments. 只有出纳员才有权付款。 He had the ~ of the Governor for what he did. 他所做之事曾得到主席 (卅长或总督) 之授权。 3 [U] person or (pl) group of persons having ~: 掌权之人; (复) 掌权的一群人; 当局: the City, Municipal, County, etc authorities; 市 (郡等) 政府当局; the health authorities; 卫生当局; the Atomic 'Energy A~. 原子能管理委员会。 4 [C, U] person with special knowledge; book, etc that supplies reliable information or evidence: 具有特殊知识之人; 提供可靠资料或证据的书籍等; 权威; 权威著作: He is a great ~ on phonetics. 他是语音学方面的权威。 The Oxford English Dictionary' is the best ~ on English words. '牛津英文大字典'是关于英文字的最高权威著作。 What is your ~ for that statement? 你那句话有何根据? You should quote your authorities, give the titles of books, etc, names of persons, etc used as sources for facts. 你应该注明出处。




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