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❶ (有分别; 不相同) different: 大同小 ~ identical on major issues though with minor differences; essentially the same though differing on minor points; 求同存 ~ seek common ground while reserving differences; ~ 父 [母] 兄弟 half brothers
❷ (奇异; 特别) strange; unusual; extraordinary: 奇才 ~ 能 extraordinary talents and abilities; ~ 事 strange happening; ~ 香 extraordinary fragrance; ~ 兆 strange omen
❸ (另外的; 别的) other; another: ~ 地 a strange land; ~ 日 some other day Ⅱ ❶ (惊奇; 奇怪)surprise: 深以为 ~ it strikes one as very strange
❷ (分开)separate: 离 ~ divorce Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname
◆异邦 a foreign country; foreign land; 异步 asynchron ̄ ous; nonsynchronous; asynchronization; 异才 extraordinary talent; 异彩 extraordinary splendour; radiant splendour; 异常 unusual; abnormal; anomalous; singular; extremely; exceedingly; extraordinarily; particularly; anomaly; 异词 dissenting words; different opinion; disagreement; 异地 place other than one's own hometown; allopatry; 异丁烯 isobutene; isobutylene; 异端 heterodoxy; heresy; heathenism; 异端邪说 heretical beliefs; evil doctrine; erroneous doctrine; heresy; heterodox doctrines; incredible aberration; teachings that lead sb. astray; unorthodox opinions; 异恶唑 isoxazole; 异父兄弟 half brothers; 异构 {化} isomerism; 异国 foreign [alien] country; foreign [alien] land; 异核 heterocaryosis; 异乎常人 different from the ordinary men; 异乎寻常 unusual; extraordinary; out of the common; uncom ̄ mon; 异花受精 cross-fertilization; allogamous; allogamy; 异化 {哲} alienation; {语} dissimilation; heterization; [德] Entfermdung; catabiosis; 异己 dissident; alien; 异教 paganism; heathenism; heresy; 异军突起 a new force suddenly coming to the fore; a dark horse; a sudden emergence of a new force; 异口同声 speak with [in] one voice; agree with one consent; All agree.; speak in concert [chorus; unison]; unanimously; 异类 [旧] people not of the same clan; different kinds of animals and plants; 异曲同工 achieve the same goal with different means; Different approaches contribute to the same end.; Different tunes rendered with equal skill — different in approach but equally satisfactory in result.; 异人 a person of extraordinary talents; an unusual person; others; other people; 异日 [书] some other day; former days; 异体 allosome; 异同 similarities and differences; [书] dissent; objection; 异途同归 arrive at the same end by different means; All rivers run into the sea.; All roads lead to Rome.; 异味 rare delicacy; peculiar smell; 异位 dystopy; dystopia; allotopia; malposi ̄ tion; ectopia; trusion; displacement; 异物 {医} foreign matter; foreign body; rarity; [书] a dead person; ghost; 异乡 foreign land; strange land; place other than one's hometown; 异想天开 indulge in the wildest fantasy; ask [cry] for the moon; be all wet; come out with most fantastic ideas; get fancy ideas into one's head; have one's head full of bees; have strange, fantastic ideas; let one's imagination run wild; 异相 {物} out-phase; out of phase; 异向 incongruous; 异心 infidelity; disloyalty; 异型 abnormal shape; heteromorphosis; heterotype; allo ̄ type; 异形 dysmorphism; heteroideus; 异性 the opposite sex; different in nature; 异养 heterotrophism; 异样 difference; unusual; peculiar; 异议 objection; dissent; 异域 foreign lands; a place far away from home; some other place; another of the country; 异源 allos; heterology; 异质 neterogeny; alloplasm; heterogeneous medium; 异种 xenogenesis; xenogeny; 异族 different race or nation; alien races





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