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单词 开门揖盗

开门揖盗kāi mén yī dào

fling open the gate and bow in the gangsters; open the door to robbers—invite disaster by letting in evildoers; lay one’s house open to theft (/robbery/burglary)
❍ 假使真正亡了国,岂不死无葬身之地吗?这都是满鞑子“~”! (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—168) If China loses her independence,there will probably not even be a place left for us to bury our dead.All this is the result of the Man-chu barbarians’keeping the doors wide open to let the robbers in.”/那么,昨晚上对他开诚布公那番话,把市场上虚虚实实的内情都告诉了他的那番话,岂不是成了~么?(茅盾《子夜》568) It was only the night before that he had been perfectly frank with Du Zhuzhai and told him exactly what the situation on the stock market was and what his own plans were—and all the time he had been playing into the hands of a traitor!

开门揖盗kāi mén yī dào

揖:打拱,以示欢迎。打开门欢迎强盗进入。比喻引狼入室,自惹祸患。open the doors to robbers, lay one’s house open to burglary, throw the door open for the robbers





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