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successn. 1. consequence. outcome,result,issue 后果,结果,效果,结局。 △Lr.5.3.196(195):“Not sure,though hoping,of this good success,”不敢确信,尽管一直希望着,会有这种好结果。 △Oth.3.3.221: “Should you do so,mylord,/ My speech should fall into such vile success /Which my thoughts aimed not at.”你要是那样曲解,将军,我的话就造成了很坏的后果,完全违背了我的本意。 △Mac.1.7.3:“and catch / With his surcease,success;”随着他的丧命也就算捞到成果。 △3H.VI.2.2.45:“But,Clifford.tell me. didst thou never hear / That things ill got hadever bad success?”但是,克利福,难道你没有听说过,来路不正的东西必引起坏结果吗? △3H.VI.2.2.74: “The Queenhath best success when you are absent.”你不在场,王后才会碰上好运气。(又译:王后才会获得最好的结果。) dangerous success: doubtful issue or outcome难以预测的结局或结果。 △R.III.4.4.236:“Madam,so thrive I inmy enterprise / And dangerous success of bloodywars.”夫人,但愿我在我的事业和结局未定的血战中能够获得成功。 good success: favourable results. good fortune有利的结果,好运。 △3H.VI.3.3.146: “As may appear byEdward's good success.”既然从爱德华的胜利看起来…。 2. good fortune. prosperous issue好运,顺利的结果。 △Gent.1.1.58:“thy success in love,”你恋爱中的好运(又译:恋爱的成功)。 3. succession接续,继续发生的事。 △2H.IV.4.2.47:“And so success of mischief shall be born.”这样一来,祸乱就要接连不断地产生出来。 △Ado.4.1.236(234):“butsuccess / Will fashion the event in better shape /Than I can lay it down in likelihood.”此后的发展必将比我所能想像的结果更好。 success[səkˈses]n.成功,成就 ‖ success average成功率 success index成就指数 success-oriented goal旨在成功的目标 success proposition成功命题 success rates成功率 success through quality以质取胜 successful adj.成功的,有成就的 successful candidate当选者 successful effort costing有成效的成本核算successful experiences成功经验 successful goal中篮 successful manoeuvre成功机动 successful party胜诉方 successfully adv. 成功地 |