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单词 开天辟地

开天辟地kāi tiān pì dì

the creation of heaven and earth—the creation of the world; the beginning of history
❍ 中国产生了共产党,这是~的大事变。(《毛泽东选集》1451) In China,the Communist Party was born,an epoch-making event.
❍ 小海从来没遇见过这样的好人,老鸦窝~以来也没碰上过这样的好世道。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》45) Hai had never met such good people.And Ravens Nest,from the day it came into existence,had never found itself in such a decent world.
❍ 自从盘古~以来,我们不晓得造飞机,造汽车,现在开始能造了。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—271) Ever since Pan Gu separated heaven and earth,we have never been able to make planes and cars,and now we are beginning to make them.
❍ 讲史的体例,大概是从~讲起,一直到了要讲的朝代。(鲁迅《中国小说史略)》288)This is a historical narrative,a type of recital which usually starts with the beginning of history and goes down to the period concerned.
❍ 翠缕道: “这么说起来,从古至今,~,都是些阴阳了?”(《红楼梦》380)“Do you mean to say everything’s been a yin or a yang ever since creation a nd the beginning of time?” Cuilüsaid.
❍ 谁晓得从盘古~以后,一直吃到易牙的儿子;从易牙的儿子,一直吃到徐锡林; 从徐锡林,又一直吃到狼子村捉住的人。(《鲁迅选集》上—8) But actually since the creation of heaven and earth by Pan Gu men have been eating each other,from the time of Yi Ya’s son to the time of Xu Xilin,and from the time of Xu Xilin down to the man caught in Wolf Cub Village.
❍ ~君直健,说项依刘我大难。(柳亚子《七律·感事呈毛主席》26) You excel as the maker of a new epoch!|Hard it was for me to laud light in dark times./ “杀人偿命,欠债还钱”,这是盘古老爷~的老规矩。(杨沫《青春之歌》334)A debtor must pay with money,a murderer with his life—this has been the rule since the time immemorial.

开天辟地kai tian pi di

the creation of heaven and earth—the beginning of history


when heaven was separated from earth—creation of the world;dawn of history

开天辟地kāi tiān pì dì

古代传说盘古开辟了天地。后用以形容以前没有过的,是有史以来的第一次。since the beginning of history, from the very beginning, epoch-making, creation





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