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单词 庆父不死,鲁难未已

庆父不死,鲁难未已Qìng Fù bù sǐ , Lǔ nàn wèi yǐ

until Qing Fu is dead,the crisis in the state of Lu will not end—there will always be trouble until he who stirs it up is removed (/until the one who causes it is gone)
❍ ~。战犯不除,国无宁日。这个真理,难道现在还不明白吗?(《毛泽东选集》1384)“Until Qing Fu is done away with,the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over.” Until the war criminals are eliminated,there will be no peace in the country. Isn’t this truth clearenough by now?

庆父不死,鲁难未已qing fu bu si,lu nan wei yi

until Qing Fu-is dead,the crisis in Lu will not end—there will always be trouble until the one who causes it is gone

庆父不死,鲁难未已qìnɡ fù bù sǐ,lǔ nàn wèi yǐ

庆父:指春秋时期鲁庄公的弟弟;难:灾难;已:止。庆父一天不死掉,鲁国的灾难一天也不会结束。比喻制造内乱的罪魁祸首不除掉,祸患就不可避免。there will always be trouble until he who stirs it up is removed, there will always be trouble until the one who causes it is gone





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