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单词 天不怕,地不怕

天不怕,地不怕tiān bù pà , dì bù pà

be utterly fearless; fear neither Heaven nor Earth; fear nothing at all; nothing daunted
❍ 她今年才二十二岁,因为经历多,在社会上吃的苦头不少,全靠自己的劳动来养活自己,~,遇事勇往直前,逞强好胜,长得如同三十上下的人一样。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —287) She was only twenty-two but her wealth of experience and the difficult struggle she had had in life,having to keep herself entirely by her own efforts,had made her utterly fearless and she went at difficulties like a bull at a gate; she was full of energy and behaved like a woman of thirty.
❍ 这是个大好机会,表现自己~的进步。(柳青 《创业史》527) It was a great chance to demonstrate his bold progressiveness.
❍ 他们思想解放,~,没有什么脚镣手铐的束缚,规划搞得很生动。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—203) The minds of the comrades there are emancipated,they defy heaven and earth and are not fettered by shackles and manacles,and their plans are dynamic.
❍ 袭姑娘从小儿只见过宝兄弟这样细心的人,何曾见过我哥哥那天不怕、地不怕、心里有什么、口里说什么的人呢?(《红楼梦》405) You’re used to Cousin Bao who’s so considerate. You haven’t met my brother,who fears neither Heaven nor Earth and blurts out whatever happens to be in his mind.
❍ 他~,有时候也的确热心,够吃苦。(柳青《创业史》162) It was true that he was an insolent fellow,but he could be very enthusiastic at times and work hard.

天不怕,地不怕tian bu pa di bu pa

fear neither the Heaven nor the Earth


defy heaven and earth;fear neither heaven nor earth; fear nothing on earth

天不怕,地不怕tiān bù pà, dì bù pà

什么也不怕。形容自己天下第一,举止无所顾忌。nothing daunted, fear nothing on earth





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