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单词 number
number/′nʌmbə(r)/ nvt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)数(目);号码(symbol or word showing a quantity of units;numeral)[C]:The~s 6 and 3 are factors of 18. 3和6都是18的因数。3 and 5 are odd~s and 2 and 4 are even~s. 3和5是奇数,2和4是偶数。 Would you like to leave your telephone~? 请你留下电话号码好吗? He knew the room~. 他知道房间号。〖同〗figure,symbol;

(2)数量;总数(quantity or amount) (用单数或复数形式,作主语时若前面有形容词,动词用复数形式):The~of tourists to that place is limited. 去那地方旅游的人数有限制。The~of students absent is 6. 缺席的学生共六人。There are a million camels in India and the~is growing.印度有上百万头骆驼,而且数量还在增加。A large~of people have refused to come. 许多人都拒绝来。〖同〗amount,quantity,sum,total;

(3)一群(些)人(a specified or recognized setclassor group)(fml)[Csing]:She was not of/among their~. 她不是他们那样的人/那一伙里的。One of their~refuses to work for the very low wages that are offered to them. 他们一伙中的一个嫌给的工资太低拒绝去工作。

(4)(abbrs Nono;AmE symb #)[C] (用于数字前表示序号):Mary lives at No 4 Wood Street. 玛莉住在伍德大街4号。I wear~8 shoes. 我穿8号的鞋子。Then I caught the N~10 trolley bus to the Catholic church. 后来我乘10路无轨电车去了天主教堂。

(5)(报刊等的)期,册(an issue of periodical or serial publication)[C]:(the) back/inaugural/latest/special/current~of “Punch” 过期的《笨拙》周刊/《笨拙》周刊的创刊号/最近一期的《笨拙》周刊/《笨拙》周刊的特刊号/本期的《笨拙》周刊;Have you yesterday's~of The Thames? 你有昨天的《泰晤士报》吗?

(6)一个(节目) (a single item in a programme)[C]:a song/ballroom~一支歌/舞曲;She had several~s in the second act. 她在第二幕中有几场戏。For her third~she played a nocturne.她演奏的第三个节目是小夜曲。

(7)(语法上的)数(a difference of form showing whether only one person or thing is meantor more than one)[U]:“Men”(“Man”) is plural (singular) in~. men(man)是复(单)数。The most important type of concord in English is concord of~between subject and verb. 英语中最重要的一致关系就是主语和动词在数上的一致。

(8)展示的物品(an item of merchandise on showusuof clothing)[Csing](前面有形容词):a snappy little green~一件漂亮的绿色短上衣;That new Ford is a fast little~. 那辆新福特汽车是一种高速小车。

(9)算术(arithmetic)[pl]:I'm not good at~s. 我不擅长算术。He doesn't like~s. 他不喜欢算术。

by numbers 1)靠数目大;靠人多:We lost the tug-of-war,but they won by~s. 拨河比赛我们是输了,但他们是靠人多取胜的。2)分开地:drill movement by~s 分开操练动作; 3)系统地;按常规地;机械地:reading by~s 机械地阅读;

have got sb's number(sl) 知道……的底细:I used to think he was a friend of mine,but now I've got his~. 我以前一直认为他是我的朋友,但现在我看透他了。

sb's number is up(sl) 某人的死期已到:If her friends find out the bad things she has said about them,her~is up!如果她的朋友们知道了她说他们的那些坏话,她就死定了。

number one(infml) 1)自己;本人:He is always looking out for~one. 他总是谋求自身利益。2)头号(等)的:He is America's~one golfer. 他是美国高尔夫球的顶尖高手。

vt (1)编号(give a number to sb/sth)[T+nT+n+prep]:Have you~ed the pages? 你编页码了吗? We were all~ed as we went in. 我们进去的时候都被编了号。Let's~them from 1 to 20. 让我们从1到20给他们编上号。Can you~from one to ten in French? 你能用法语从1数到10吗?〖同〗numerate,reckon,count,calculate;〖反〗lump,mass;

(2)计有;总共(add up tobe a total ofaltogether)[T+n/prep]:We~ed fifty in all. 我们总共50人。The complaints we received can be~ed in the thousands. 我们收到的控告累计有数千起。

number sb/sth among sth 把……算作;计入;包括:I~George among my very best friends.我把乔治看成是我最好的朋友之一。

number off (军事)报数:The soldiers~ed off from left to right. 战士们从左向右报数。

→′numberless adj 数不清的;out′number v 数量上胜过;多于;′unn′umbered adj未计数的;无数的;

【辨异】numbersum都指总计。number用于表示计算和估计的结果,它着眼于总计中人或物的个体,如:a number of items on the agenda (议事日程上的许多项目)。sum表示相加的结果,它更强调总数,如:a large sum of money (一大笔钱)。





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