法律之前人人~,并有权享受法律的~保护、不受任何歧视。All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law./我们大家生来~,只是品德有区别。We are all born equal and are distinguished alone by virtue./我们认为这些道理是显而易见的: 人生来~。We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal./大小国家,一律~。All countries,big or small,are equal. or:All nations,large or small,are equal./法律面前,人人~。Everyone is equal before the law./各国主权~sovereign equality of all nations/国家~equality of nations/男女~equality between men and women(or between the sexes)/在~的基础上on an equal footing; on the basis of equality/法律面前~ equality before the law/不~条约unequal treaty/法律上~equality in law/~待人treat others as equals/~待遇equal treatment/~互利 equality and mutual benefit/~权利equal right/~协商consultation on the basis of equality (or on an equal footing)/~即可说是公平equality is equity/~手段原则equality of arms principle/~代表权equal representation/~分摊 (份额)equal share/~选举权equal suffrage/~条约equal treaty/~互惠equality and reciprocity