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单词 平心静气

平心静气píng xīn jìng qì

be in one’s sober senses;calm down; calmly (and patiently); collect oneself;composedly; coolly; dispassionately; level-minded;cool-headed; cool-minded; even-minded; keep calm and do nothing; keep one’s hair (/shirt) on; quietly and peacefully; self-possessed;sober (ly)
❍ 要想恢复,~地说,要二十年! (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》529)Even if they want to start it up again they’ll need twenty years at a calm estimate.
❍ 且~,暗暗访察,才能得这个实在; …… (《红楼梦》959) We must calm down and investigate this on the quiet to get to the bottom of it.
❍ 好,你们大家在会上谈谈吧! ~地谈,找出原因来!(艾芜《百炼成钢》12) Very good,you people take this over at the meeting. Discuss it calmly and patiently and find out the real cause.
❍ 希望他~地考虑一番,再给我答复。(茅盾《子夜》278) I hope he’ll think it over carefully and let me know what he intends to do./“旧形式的采用”的问题,如果~的讨论起来,在现在,我想是很有意义的,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—56) To my mind,provided we can discuss it dispassionately,this question of “adopting old forms” is well worth studying today; …/在这种情况下,是个中国人,能~么! (知侠《铁道游击队》13) Can a true Chinese keep calm and do nothing under such conditions?/他想要定一定神,便又回转头,闭了眼睛,息了杂念,~的坐着。(《鲁迅选集》上—118) Determined to concentrate,he turned back again and closed his eyes to put a stop to all distracting thoughts,sitting there quietly and peacefully.
❍ 但是,如果这些犯错误的同志,并不坚持错误,经过~的讨论、说服和批评之后,愿意改正错误,放弃他们原来的观点,或者正在冷静地考虑他们的错误,并且和其他同志进行~的讨论的时候,就应该对他们的每个微小的进步表示欢迎,不应该一律给以处分。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》71) But if these comrades do not cling to their mistakes but are willing to correct them and give up their previous point of view after sober discussion,persuasion and criticism,or if they coolly ponder over their mistakes or soberly discuss them with other comrades,we should welcome every small sign of progress on their part and not subject them to penalties undiscriminately.

平心静气pínɡ xīn jìnɡ qì

心平气和,态度冷静。calmly, cool-headed, be in one’s sober senses





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