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单词 noise
noise/nɔ ɪz/ n; vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)噪音(声);喧闹声(sounds that are loud and usu unpleasant)[U;C]:curious/city/harsh/traffic~s 奇怪的响声/城市噪音/刺耳的声音/交通噪声;the~s of insects/of the rain 昆虫的叫声/雨声;Don't make so much~! 别这么大声嚷嚷! I can't sleep when there's~around me. 周围这么吵闹我简直无法入睡。〖同〗voice,sound,tone;〖反〗quiet,silence,peace,calm;

(2)老生常谈(conventional remarks)[pl]:He made polite~s about our work. 他对我们的工作说了一些客套话。She made all the right~s. 她说了一大堆客套话。

a big noise(inf,derog) 重要人物:She likes to think she's a big~. 她喜欢把自己当作重要人物。

make a noise (about sth) 大声说话或发牢骚:She made quite a~about the lost luggage. 她为丢行李的事大吵大闹。

vt 谣传(spread by rumour)(dated or fml)[T+n+adv (abroad/around/about)][常pass]:It was~d abroad that he was taking up a new appointment. 盛传他将接受一项新的任命。 It was~d about that the governor intended to resign. 传说州长打算辞职。 Don't~it around,but he's retiring. 不要跟别人说,他要退休了。〖同〗repeat,pass,voice;

→′noiseless adj 无声的,静的;′noiselessly adv 无声地,静悄悄地;′noiselessness n 无声,安静;′noisy adj 吵闹的;喧闹的;

【辨异】noisesoundtonevoice 都指所听到的声音。noise指噪音,如:The noise of traffic kept him awake. (车马的喧闹声使他睡也睡不着。)sound泛指听到的任何声音,如:the sound of voices/of music/of breaking plates(人声/乐声/打破盘子的声音);tone指具有某种音质、音色、响度、音高的乐音,如:a voice with a full,clear tone (洪亮的嗓音);voice为人在说话和唱歌时发出的声音,如:a charming voice 诱人的嗓音;a song of 4 male voices (一支男声四重唱歌曲)。





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