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单词 师心自用

师心自用师心自任shī xīn zì yòng

be notwilling to listen to advice; stubbornly adhere to one’s opinions and consider oneself always in the right;show overconfidence in oneself
❍ 听不进群众意见,~,就容易摔跟头。One is likely to have a blunder if one considers oneself always in the right and refuses to listen to the opinion of others.
❍ 学为文章,先谋亲友,得其评论者,然后出手。慎勿师心自任,取笑旁人也。(颜氏家训·文章》) In learning to write an essay,first show it to your friends and relatives and ask for their comments before make it public. You should guard against overconfidence in yourself so as not to make a laughing-stock of yourself.

师心自用shī xīn zì yònɡ

师心:拿自己的心当作老师,这里表示只相信自己。自用:按照自己主观意图行动。形容固执己见,自以为是。not willing to listen to advice, act with self-assurance





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