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单词 推陈出新

推陈出新tuī chén chū xīn

develop the new through critical assimilation of the old;discard what has outlived its time and bring forth the new; weed through the old to create the new.
❍ 世界上总是这样以新的代替旧的,总是这样新陈代谢、除旧布新或~的。(《毛泽东选集》293) It is always so in the world,the new displacing the old,the old being superseded by the new,the old being eliminated to make way for the new,and the new emerging out of the old.
❍ 由于总理的正确指导,使设计师和广大群众的智慧得到了充分的发挥,使整个设计按照古为今用,洋为中用,~的方针顺利进行。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—334)Thanks to his correct guidance,the wisdom of both the architects and the rank and file were fully ex ploited,and the whole work of designing progressed in the spirit of letting the past serve the present,making foreign things serve our own purpose and weeding through the old to bring forth the new.


bring forth (or evolve) the new from the old;weed through (or out) the old to bring forth the new
百花齐放,~let a hundred flowers blossom,and bring forth the new by weeding through the old/~,革故鼎新carry out innovation and reform

推陈出新tuī chén chū xīn

推:除去,淘汰;陈:陈旧的。形容在扬弃旧东西的基础上创造新东西。weed through the old to bring forth the new, discard what has outlived its time and to develop the new, bring forth sth. new from the old





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