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单词 nest
nest/nest/ n vi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)巢;窝;穴(structure or place in which birds(and some animals and insects) hatch or give birth to and look after their young) [C]:a(n) swallow's/ants'/wasps'/hornests'~燕子/蚂蚁/黄蜂/大黄蜂窝;

(2)庇护所;安乐窝(warm and comfortable place)[C]:They built themselves a comfortable~.他们自建安乐窝。We made a~of cushions to sleep on. 我们用垫子铺好一个可以舒舒服服睡觉的地方。The runaway boy made himself a~in the hay. 那个离家出走的孩子在干草垛中给自己扒开了一个栖身处。The little girl cuddled down in a~among the sofa cushions. 小姑娘蜷卧在舒适柔软的沙发垫子之中。

(3)隐蔽所;贼窝子(place full of bad or dangerous persons or things)[C]:a~of robbers/thieves/criminals/crime and vice/rebellion 强盗窝/贼窝/罪犯的隐蔽所/罪恶的渊薮/叛乱的温床;

(4)一组(套) (set of things that fit one inside another)[C]:a~of tables/cups/boxes/bowls/giant mountains 一套茶几/一套杯子/一套箱子/一套饭碗/层峦叠嶂的群山;

v 筑巢(build a nest and live in it)[I]:A pair of robins are~ing in that bush. 一对知更鸟正在那片灌木丛中筑巢。Clearing the attic we had unearthed a family of mice~ing in a pile of newspaper. 清理顶楼时我们发现一窝在旧报纸堆中筑巢的老鼠。Hornbills~in holes in trees.犀鸟在树洞中筑巢。





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